Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Taylor's POV

It feels so good and refreshing to know that we've ended everything with Ivan and Victor.

They've been abusing their powers for years and we've finally put an end to it.

It's Nicholas's birthday tonight and I've decided to prepare a nice homemade birthday dinner for him. I invited him over to my apartment for the dinner, so we could have the whole house to ourselves.

I've decided to prepare his favorite. An original, plain lasagna, his favorite. I boil his pasta on the stove and make some homemade marinara sauce while that's boiling.

I head to my room, stripping out my clothes and changing into my lingerie dress I bought for his special night. I wanted to do something for him for his birthday, like he did for me.

It's a black lace set, but still a cute dress nonetheless. I brush out my hair and do my makeup. Nicolas is supposed to get off of work around seven tonight so I should be done with everything by then.

After thirty minutes the food is ready. I'm taking the lasagna out the oven when I hear the front door start to open. I pick up the lasagna from the oven and put it in the center of the table.

I take off the oven mittens and stand next to the prepared table, smiling widely once Nicolas fully open the door.

He closes the door, stopping in his tracks when he looks up at me.

He smirks. "Hey Thomas," he says, looking around. "Nice place."

"Thanks," I smile, walking towards him. I give him a kiss on the cheek and smile. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you," he smiles softly as I lead him to the dinner table.

"I made your favorite."

We both sit down at the table and look up at each other.

"Smells delicious," he says.

After we finish dinner we talk for a little while before Nicolas gets up and kisses me.

"Where's your room?" He asks.

"Last door down the hall," I mumble.

When we reach my room he immediately places me down on the bed, opening my legs and getting in between them.

"You're so fucking sexy," he groans, looking down at my body.

I try to get into the moment but I can't, no matter how hard I try. Not with this on my mind.

What the fuck am I doing?

Am I really about to do this?

"Hey Nicolas?" I ask while his head is in the crook of my neck as he holds me.

"Yes Taylor?"


"What's wrong Taylor?" He asks, taking his head from out the crook of my neck and sitting next to me. My heart beats rapidly in my chest, going 90 miles per hour.

"It's...nothing," I dismiss the matter at hand and head to the bathroom, still trying to calm myself down.

I guess Nicolas could tell I wasn't myself, because he asked me what was wrong again.

"I...have to tell you something," I say, dropping onto my bed and looking up at him.

"Ok," he says slowly, dropping down on the bed next to me and looking up at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I bite my lip nervously and look down at my lap. "Is it something bad?"

"I...wouldn't say that."

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