CH1 The Orphanage Past.
Enjoy :)
_________Growing up In an orphanage wasn't easy for the three of them, Especially being Chaotic Kinds of hybrids, Most kids in the orphanage hybrids were Cats, Dogs Bunny's.
But Having a Child with wings who always wants to fly around the whole place, A goat who scares off the kids with his horns and always head butting people legs especially the adults, And a Enderman With split and split skin, different eye colors and teleporting problems. You can imagine these were the trouble makers of the Orphanage. All three of them Came on the same day.And well ever since became the best of buds. Sure they were all different hybrids but they all called them self's brothers. The Three shared a room in the orphanage having bunk beds after somehow convincing one of the adults to put then together. The three always brew some mischief in the orphanage tho, Scaring kids or telling rumors to scare them.
Tommy made one up saying if they got close to them they would soon start to grow feathers and then they would die. Scared a lot of the kids let me tell u.
Tubbo during drawing time would always show the other kids scary drawing he did. Made one of them cry once and had an adult come in, let's just say after that incidence the adults stay in the room. Didn't stop him tho. Sometimes he would even throw paper at kids head. Almost got him kicked from Art time but ranboo always Had his back.
Speaking of ranboo, He was the one to always clean up after there messes to not get then in trouble. But he wasn't innocent either, he sometimes would teleport behind the kids and say boo!, or Sleep walk into one of the kids room. But he couldn't control that part.
The trouble makers of the orphanage they were, a pack that always came together and went to Fosters houses together. Never lasted longer then a month, or less. Sometimes they went to separate houses on there own but always ended up back in the orphanage.
There was a problem tho, The adults kept very careful eyes on them and always scolded them. They had rules for the three of them like, Tommy couldn't go outside thinking he would fly away, Tubbo couldn't head but Everyone or else they would put bubble wrap on his horns (didn't stop him but he stopped, Sort of.), And ranboo well, they saw him innocent so nothing much other then no teleporting.
They door room was locked tho every night to prevent them from sneaking out or Anything, last time they left there door unlocked they snuck into the kitchen and ate all the sweets they could find.
Tho one night They left it unlocked which gave the Trio a Bigger idea then to just sneak into the kitchen and eat away there heart content.
______________________________________"Hey guysss" Tommy said as he was sitting on the top bunk, "what's up boss man" tubbo said peaking from the middle bunk and ranboo also peaking from the bottom bunk. Tommy jumped off his bed but flapped his wings a bit making it so when he went down it didn't make a loud noise, he tipped toe over to the door and pointed to the handle, "The door unlocked" he snickered as tubbo and ranboo got off there beds and walked over to see if Tommy was serious.
And in fact it was. It was unlocked, "hell yeah let's go into the kitchen and raid it again" tubbo said about to turn the door knob but that's when Tommy pushed his hand away softly. "Or we could do something even better" he turned to the two of them and said "let's run away"
Both boys looked at Tommy. "Hell yeah" tubbo said with his arms in the air, "n-now hold on a second" Ranboo said With a nervous look, "we can't just run away we don't have food or a phone or shelter!", tubbo sighed " he's right boss man it was a good idea but maybe let's stick to it when were older, were only kids", "hey now!! " Tommy said "I am 14!! A teenager, just because you both are younger dosent mean we can't still go" he huffed as his wings did a small flap.
"But Tommy ranboo right, we won't have money, food or shelter. We'll be homeless and what if one of us ends up dead?" Tubbo said. Tommy sighed but then he started to think and got an idea "we can get jobs!" Tommy said "jobs?" Tubbo and ranboo said at the same time confused, "yes! We can get jobs and get money and get a place!!" Tommy said with excitement, "and if that doesn't work?" Ranboo said, Tommy glared at him but then looked at the door, he snickered and opened it slowly "Then we steal the orphanage food"
So the plan was Tommy and ranboo grab as much food as they can while tubbo grabs the bags and fills them with all there things and with the food, first Tommy and ranboo went to the kitchen and started grabbing Everything that was edible, while they did that tubbo was in the room putting there things in and then taking the bags to the kitchen, where he then stuffed the food in each bag. Finally they were prepared, But had one problem.
"So" tubbo said looking at the two, "where are we escaping from?", Tommy looked around " well we can't escape thru the front door so let's do the back door" he chuckled as the three tip toed to the back door, Tommy leading in front went up to the door "Sweet freedom" he said before grabbing onto the handle and clicking it. It was Locked.
"Fuck" Tommy said, "Tommy not so loud you're gonna get us caught!" Tubbo said. "Is it locked?" Ranboo whispered, "yeah, God damn it the one time we have freedom it Kicks us in the ass with one big problem" he sighed and turned to the two of them. Ranboo then sighed before putting his bag down and tip toeing away, both boys looked at ranboo and whisper yelled following behind him dropping there bags, "ranboo where are u going" tubbo whispered, "too the offices there gotta be the keys there" he replied as he went to the offices, he stood in front the door and gulped, "yeah right and how are u gonna get in there probably locked to-" but before Tommy could finish ranboo teleported inside.
"Right, forgot he could do that" Tommy said. As tubbo and Tommy guarded the door ranboo teleported out with a circled Medal with keys on it, "hell yeah ranboo" Tommy said high fiving ranboo, "good job boss man! " tubbo said as they all tip toed back to the door, and unlocked it, "easy as pie" ranboo said as they opened it, They each tip toed outside and then slowly closing the door.
"WE DID IT" tubbo said head butting both of them, they both giggled as they then walked down the stairs and jumped the fence, walking away slowly giggling and laughing, "so" ranboo said making both boys look at him "where are we heading too?", Tommy stood quiet but then once he finally spoke he said "honestly I don't know but as long as u guys are with me" hugging them close as they walked away with there stuff.
____________________________________The next day there was a search for the three boys back at the Orphanage, the police were even involved,As investigation went on what they found stolen was, Food from the kitchen, The round keys and A wallet.Wonder who took the wallet. But by then the boys had been long gone and well. There somewhere else now.
CH 1 end 1316 Words

Bandits Of The Area // BenchTrio
AdventureThree Teens, In a Big Kingdom fending for them self after Escaping the Orphanage they Grew up in.It was pretty easy as they blend in with the Crowd as much as they can. Three hybrid kids Blending in was a bit of a challenge Since one Had big wings...