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   Jane was not kidding when she said it was a last minute decision. She was in such a hurry to get me away that she had to lend me her shoes and her coat, and she didn't know how to get me out of the country at all. As we distanced ourselves from the house I found myself genuinely worried for her.

"You know you're risking your life, right?"

"I'm aware of that, yes." She huffed impatiently. "You know that it's your fault, right?" She mimicked my tone as much as my choice of words to mock me. I almost burst out laughing, it sounded so out of place, but the situation was too serious for anything to be actually funny.

"I was going to go back. You didn't have to come like this, I realised I should go back."

"It's not like I could bring myself to wait around for God knows how long in the faint hope that you would actually do the most sensible thing for once."

I flinched but otherwise didn't react to her harshness. She suddenly grew very anxious.

"They're coming back."

She turned her head and I followed the movement, but there was nothing in my line of sight or that I could hear.

"This is insane. You're insane."

She sent me the lightest hit of pain, a mere warning, and pointed an indignant finger at me.

" You have been wreaking havoc and I'm insane? I don't think there was this much trouble with the recruitment of a guard in the history of the coven, not even with Alec and I. And we were children ."

"Ouch. Ok, I guess I deserved that."

She didn't acknowledge me, concentrated on something I could not see nor hear.

"We will not make it. They will reach us." She sounded so solemn as she said it that I almost forgot our lives were not forfeit, almost let her pull me into her unfunded state of despair.

"I don't think we need to run from them. Let me go back to the house and get some things for the road, I should –"

She sent me a stronger jolt of pain and I shut up. The rest of the Cullens appeared in front of us as if out of thin air and I finally caught sight of Alice, who was brave enough to follow us away from the Denalis' house when she could join her family.

"Edward, don't! " She was pleading as she approached us. I turned to Edward and took notice of his crouching position and his bared teeth.

Oh God, this is it. This is how I'm gonna go after all, stranded in fucking nowhere Alaska, caught in between a vampire fight.

I instinctively grabbed Jane's hand and she didn't shake it off, which didn't encourage me at all. She probably thought we were going to die there too.

"I can't believe you came here by yourself. This is madness."

" I can't believe you bewitched my brother in such a way that he..." She stopped mid-sentence, but Edward seemed to pick the rest of it from her thoughts.

"Alec wants to leave the Volturi?" His face was suddenly blank and he relaxed his position.

I didn't move, I couldn't. I froze when I heard him and so did everyone else.

"No, he doesn't want that." Jane rolled her eyes and I could have giggled at the sight. "Our personal affairs are none of your business."

"He wants to follow her, doesn't he?" Carlisle said, looking in my direction. Jane kept her silence with her chin up in the air and Carlisle gracefully dropped the subject. "Let's go back inside and settle things down. Please, you have come all the way here, we should talk about this situation. No one will hurt you."

Libra's Symphony (Alec Volturi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now