I have decided that these will be the ships for the story unless you guys have any other suggestions for them.
Izuku x Tsuyu (Kind of cute)
Shoto x Momo
Kiri x Mina
Ojiro x Hagakure
Ochako x Kaminari???? (I don't know, give me ideas for them)
And yeah, that's it. The next chapter should be coming out in the next week or two so I hope you have enjoyed the story so far!
The traitor will be revealed in the following chapter so I hope you're all ready for it!!Hope you all have some great weather like I'm having here, seeing as it's plus 4 degrees Celsius and melting like crazy plus; super sunny out and slushy so I hope it's nice for you guys as well!

RandomWhen training one day a portal opened, a pail hand grabbed a certain green haired teen, leaving behind shocked heros who already started plotting how to get him back. Stolen is his innocence, memories and life, gone are his friends and family, out w...