Chapter 2

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"Kobayashi!!" A loud voice boomed in the room. "How's that project coming?!"

I looked over to see the chief harassing Kyoko-san...again..

Kobayashi looked up at him with a emotionless stare. "Oh, not done yet."

"What are you doing?!" He pointed a finger a her. "You're useless!"

While he kept yelling at her, you hear others muttering behind you.

"Chief's pushing his work onto Kobayashi-san again.."

"The chief's project isn't even that vital."

Our chief pointed both of his index fingers at Kobayashi, still yelling. "Quit slacking off and get it finished quickly!!"


As he was walking away, he suddenly tripped on...nothing? Making him fall to the ground, causing other workers hide their laughter.

I got up and walked over to Kobayashi. "Kyoko-san. You shouldn't let him yell at you like that, you know?"

She shrugged and continued typing. "I'm used to it by now. Plus, karma might come at him."



I glared at the sight of our Chief heading towards Kobayashi again.

"How's that project going?! I haven't received a report on it yet!"

"Oh, sorry. I had a lot of things to do." Kobayashi replied, still not reacting to his anger towards her.

"Follow my orders first!!"

"Yamashita-kun's work is higher on the priority list."


My glare at him kept getting scarier and scarier by the moment. God, I have the urge to punch his stupid face until he's not moving. No one yells at my best friends.

As the Chief walked away, he suddenly tripped. And again. And again. And...again.

I don't care what's happened, he's getting what he deserves.


"I heard the chief got canned for abusing power. Someone sent the director a recording of proof."

"Who did that?"

After eavesdropping on the conversation, I looked up to see Kyoko with a mug of coffee in her hands, whistling innocently.

"Kyoko-san?" I called, making her look up. "Tohru-chan?"

She smiled and gave me a wink.

f o r { }

(3rd Person POV)

You were cross-legged on your couch, playing a RPG adventure gacha game until her heard a knock on your door.

You paused the game and head to the door to open it. As you opened the door, you're greeted with Tohru and Fafnir.

"Oh. Hi, Tohru-chan." You looked up to Fafnir. "Hello, Fafnir-kun. I'm surprised you knew where I lived."

"I asked Miss Kobayashi." Tohru explained. "I wanted to ask you something, Miss (Y/N)."

"Hm? What is it?"

Property of the Dark Lord (Fafnir x Fem!Reader) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now