Who Was That Strange Man at the Meeting

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(h/t) = hair texture (Ex. fluffy, soft, sleek, straight, etc...

Levi kissed you and gently caressed your body. You could tell he was getting annoyed by how he could not get to you easily, so you unbuttoned your shirt for him. His hands slid over your stomach, and up to the top parts of your body. He teased you there for a little, then his hands slid down to your stomach again, and were right on the rim of your pants. He was slowly reaching into your underwear. You loved what he was doing... Getting you "revved up" before what comes next. But you had too much on your mind. You grabbed his hand and kissed him on the cheek.

"What is it (y/n)?" He asked you.

"I just have too much on my mind right now. I'm sorry, I just don't want to do this and not get to actually be into it if you know what I mean."

He nodded to show he understood, but he still sighed and removed his hand. Sitting next to you on the bed, he stared into your gorgeous eyes and your beautiful (h/t) hair. "Well is there anything you want to talk with me about?"

You tilted your head, thinking. "Who was that strange man at the meeting?"

"I don't know his name, but I do know that Erwin wanted him to join the Regiment. I don't understand why, though. He told me that he was good at hand to hand combat. I don't see how that would make it so that he could use our 3DMD's, though..." There was a moment of silence as you thought over what he said. So not even the Captain knows who he really is... You thought.

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