chapter 2 woh shes cute

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Chifuyu's POV

We all walked into the bar and went to get a table and were joking I then went to get our drink and said to the bartender "Hey there love can I get beers and whisky's for the table over there" I then pointed to our table then said to the bartender "and if you don't mind keep it on a tab, for now, okay" I then looked at her and smiled and took in her looks and woh she's cute. then I walked away to the table once I got to the table. Baji smirked and said "well ain't she a cutie huh" I nodded then he said to take a chance with her before any of them take her I looked around the table to see everyone eyeing her. Soon enough she came over with our drinks and placed them down on the table I thanked her then Baji said "Oi Chifuyu she's a hottie go get her" she was blushing and so was I I then said Oi Baji don't talk about a lady like that no wonder you don't get the ladies. Baji was about to say something but got cut off by her giggles and wow it sounded amazing her giggles she then said "anyway I better get back to work enjoy your drinks" she then walked away back to the bar

Hey guys that's chapter two finished and I'll see all you dudes in the next chapter buh bye CleonaXD

hey there love... Chifuyu Matsuno x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now