Chapter thirteen: Upside down

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The day of the match between Chiyoda and Minato came. Y/n was with Ojiro in the castle, when the members of Minato Tribe arrived. Ojiro was ready to go out there, but Yui offered her and few members of the Chiyoda Tribe to check if Minato were worthy of Ojiro's time. Ojiro agreed on that. Once Yui was away with the men, Ojiro turned to Y/n.

-I can feel your stare on me. - he said.

-I'm sorry, but you look so hot in this red uniform. - answered Y/n. - Just when I thought you can't get any hotter, I was proven wrong.

Ojiro only smiled under his mask and focused on watching the match. Y/n just sighed dreamily and wrapped his arm around Ojiro's waist, feeling him relax immediately. Ojiro was thankful Y/n could ease his stress so easily.

The match was going well to Chiyoda for a while. Y/n frowned and glared when he noticed other Tribes joining in to help Minato. There was no rule against it, so nothing could be done. Ojiro didn't interfere until Yui pulled out the gun and shot one of the players. That enraged Ojiro.

-No one will be cheating in the name of Otori family. - he said to his lover. - I'm going there.

-Understood. - nodded Y/n. He knew Ojiro was strong, but he still couldn't help but worry. That's what happens to you when you're in love. - Come back to me love. - he said.

Ojiro just nodded and left. Y/n walked out of the castle as well, wanting to be closer to his lover. Ojiro yelled and dismissed Yui once and for all. She gritted her teeth and left, then Ojiro took the matters in his hands. He took his mask off. With that the match resumed.

Y/n didn't even bother to remember the names of the Minato Tribe. He only recognized Aoyama Kazuki and that was enough for him. He didn't know exactly what happened between them, he only knew Ojiro's part of the story and he wasn't planning on pressuring Ojiro to tell him more.

Suddenly they all heard explosion coming from the castle. Then the Taito Tribe showed up saying that the woman Ojiro dismissed, caused the castle to fall down and ran away. After that Y/n lost Ojiro from his sight. All he knew was he was fighting. Then he saw the train hit Ojiro and Kazuki, who stood in front of Ojiro to shelter him from the hit. He was ready to intefere until he saw Ojiro back on his feet. He had blood coming out of the wound on his forehead, but apart from that he looked okay.

Kazuki said he brought back the Ojiro Tribe, Minato jokingly accused him of double crossing them. Y/n couldn't understand how they were fighting with smiles on their faces. How could it bring them fun? He looked at his hands trying to comprehend it, when the building collapsed on Ojiro. He widened his eyes and bolted out in the direction of the collapsed building.

-Please be alive. - he kept on repeating that small prayer as he arrived to the scene.

Kazuki watched surprised how desperately Y/n looked for Ojiro. He joined him in the search, he also wanted Ojiro to be okay. They used that moment to talk about the past Kazuki and Ojiro shared in the orphanage and in Chiyoda City. But their main goal was unchanged, they needed to find Ojiro. Finally Kazuki's eyes caugh a glimpse of dark red coat.

-Over there. - he said. They both started running in the direction Ojiro was.

-Baby, can you hear me? - he asked, examining Ojiro.

-Yes.- he answered faintly. - Help me turn around.

Y/n did what Ojiro asked him for and called his subordinates to arrange transport home. He kneeled and let Ojiro rest his head in his lap. Kazuki checked on Ojiro as they talked. Y/n didn't listen to it much until he heard Kazuki say they could leave and start a new life. Y/n's breath hitched hearing that. Ojiro noticed it.

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