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First person POV:

"Hey." I say to Zed as I arrive at the barrier.

"You made it." He smiles.

"Yeah, and I'm totally not freaked out at all." I say, laughing.

"You're gonna love this." He assures me.

"Ok." I smile at him. "Let's do this."

First person POV:

We get into this elevator thing and he presses floor 1.

"Are you ok?" I ask Zed as he starts rubbing his wrist in pain. "You don't look so hot."

"Ouch." He says joking.

"No, you know what I meant." I say, laughing along with him.

"I have to mess with my z-band to win games." He tells me.

"Isn't that dangerous?" I ask.

"If I don't win, zombies will never be accepted." Zed states.

"I know how that feels." I say, lifting up a piece of my hair.

The doors to the elevator open and I can hear loud hip hop music playing.

"Are you serious?" I exclaim.

"It's a chance to get loose
and be ourselves!" Zed answers.

"So this whole celebration is
for you winning football games?" I ask him.

"It's more than that." He says, smiling. "It's a win for all of us. And we really needed a win."

We step in and I look around the area slightly. I stop, looking at this big mural on the wall with symbols on it.

"It's zombie tongue. We have a rich language." He chuckles. "23 different words for brains."

"Woah." I stand in amazement.

"So, you like a girl with brains?" I joke.

W broth laugh before Eliza comes over and interrupts. "You know that's
super offensive."

"Oh, no, no, no. It was just a joke. I'm sorry." I felt bad, I didn't know that was mean.

"You brought little miss Cheer Boots to our zombie mash? A human, here?" Eliza said offensively. Now that was rude.

A weird rumbling sound was heard and people started gathering around. "It's starting. Come on." Zed dragged me with him.

The dance music began and i don't know where Zed went. I just stood and watched as something was coming out of the fog.


Hey, welcome to Zombieland,
It's a party, go ahead,
Everybody dance,
Do the draggy leg,
You surely can, Be a part of the team,
Gotta wave the flag,
Let your freak flag fly,
Gotta stare when we pass by,
I'm not your average guy,
But you know I'm fly,
So alive, just on a different side,
Look in my eyes,
We're the same but different,
Just like you I got hopes and wishes,
Itchin' to show the world what they're missing,
This is our time,
Yeah it's time to flip it,
What, I'm about to show you,

What you gonna show me?

I guess nobody told you,

You ain't gotta tell me,

I'm about to put in work,

You'll also like


Listen, this is my turf,

Oh man, oh man, Bet you can't do it like I can,
Oh man, oh man, Understand, this is Zombieland,
Oh man, oh man, Bet you can't do it like I can,
Oh man, oh man,
I'm a man with a plan, lemme do my dance.

Your in Zombieland,
I'm in Zombieland,
We're in Zombieland,
Watch me do it like Bam,

You're in Zombieland,
I'm in Zombieland,
We're in Zombieland,
Watch me do it like Bam,

Woah, oh man oh man oh man, I'm the man,
You just can't do it like I can,
oh man oh man oh man,
I'm the man,
You just can't do it like I can,

Ready for action,
Yeah, we 'bout to blow up,
Party's going down,
But we 'bout to show up,
We got your back,
No need to have worry,

Now we're all cool,
At first it was all scary,
And we can do a lot with a little,
Call on your friends when you're caught in the middle,
And you should do the same,
Like I do the same,
You should be yourself,
It's the coolest thing,

I'm about to show you,

What you gonna show me?

Guess nobody told you,

Girl, you don't know me,

I'm about to put in work,
Listen, this is our turf,

Bam, oh man oh man oh man,
I'm the man,
You just can't do it like I can,
oh man oh man oh man,
You a fan, understand,
This is Zombieland,
Woah, oh man oh man oh man,
I'm the man,
You just can't do it like I can,
oh man oh man oh man, I'm a man with a plan,
lemme do my dance.
You're in Zombieland,
I'm in Zombieland,
We're in Zombieland,
Watch me do it like Bam,
You're in Zombieland,
I'm in Zombieland,
We're in Zombieland,
Watch me do it like Bam,
Bam, oh man, oh man,
I'm the man,
Bet you can't do it like I can,
oh man, oh man,
you a fan Understand, this is Zombieland,
oh man, oh man, I'm the man,
Bet you can't do it like I can,
oh man, oh man,
You're a fan,
Understand, this is Zombieland,
oh man, oh man,
I'm the man, Bet you can't do it like I can,
oh man, oh man,
I'm the man, with a plan,
lemme do my dance.

First person POV:

I start to wander away from the party and find Zed's little sister, Zoey, cheering.

"I'm crazy, I'm cute. Zombie to boot. I'm rockin', I smile. Zombies aren't vile. Yay!" She cheers.

"That's some great cheering." I compliment her.

"I wasn't doing anything. Certainly not cheering." She lies. I giggle a bit. "Please don't tell anyone."

"You're Zed's little sister, right?" I ask.

"I'm Zoey." She greets me. "You're Addison."

"You're great at cheerleading, Zoey." I say to her.

"Thanks, but my pet Zandor doesn't seem that impressed." She frowns slightly at her stuffed animal.

"Well, he should be. But I think you're old enough to have a real pet. Wouldn't that be awesome?" I say grinning.

"Stop teasing her." Eliza bursts in. "You know they don't allow zombies to have pets."

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