"Problem with Karma?" Ren scooted his chair closer to Gakushū's.
It was lunch time, Gakushū was munching on his lunch and scrolling through his newsfeed and email again. He didn't want to go home yet. Every time he sees Karma's face, he reminded of what he doesn’t have--a complete human. Karma couldn't laugh at his jokes or have his own opinion on what they want to do. It’s always Gakushū selfishness, it was just his sick fantasy.
"I saw a person who looked and sounded like my Karma" Gakushū revealed. "And as it turned out, that person was the one my AI was based on"
"Oh" was all Ren could say.
"It just made me realize I want an actual human as a life partner, but I don't want anyone else other than my Karma" Gakushū sighed.
"I'm sorry man" Ren patted his back. "But hey! Look on the bright side, at least Karma will never leave you!"
"Only because he doesn't have a choice in the matter" Gakushū scoffed.
The strawberry blonde saw an email from AI Corp, the manufacturing company for Karma's software. He clicked on the link.
New pilot project from AI corp!
Dear owners and customers,
We are currently testing a new program on the newest models of AI husbands and wives. We want to increase the empathy and realistic human reaction time of our AI program.
We are looking for compatible models and willing owners for this test run!
Get your quote and we will contact you ASAP!
Gakushū typed his contact information emmadiately. "What are you doing?" Ren asks, peering over his shoulder.
"Something I think is important"
A few days later, Gakushū received a notice that his AI is fit for the pilot project.
He looked at the fancy glass building Infront of him. The sign read AI CORPS Headquarters in big fancy letters. He had left Karma to take care of the apartment while he was out.
The lobby was quiet. Gakushū was greeted by a pretty purple haired woman and a shorter male with silvery-white hair and yellow eyes, both wore lab coats.
"Nice to meet you" the purple haired woman blushed. "My name is Ritsu, and this is the lead scientist, Dr. Horibe" she introduced.
"So, you are Asano Gakushū, owner of model number, 9627000, or known as 'Karma'" Ritsu flipped through pages of her assigned package.
"Are you aware of what the pilot program does to the AI model?” Dr. Horibe asked.
"No" Gakushū responded. "I only know that your company wants to increase empathy and reaction time"
"What AI Corp wants is to combine AI's body with a human brain" The doctor explained, leading him to a lab. "Essentially, we're going to be making a cyborg, the brain will be able to simulate real human emotion and empathy towards their owners"
The scientist showed him many AI models, most of whom were in the development process.
Gakushū was stunned. They were basically saying that Karma could be a real human and husband for him. This was a dream come true.
"Is there a 'but' somewhere here? I feel like this is too good to be true" Gakushū asked.
"It depends on you really. The AI will retain its memories with a database hooking up with the brain to keep the owner's control over the machine. But there is a high chance of the brain rejecting the host body" Horibe explained to him
Ritsu took over "And we don’t know if the AI program will fail and reset to basic model setting. We're also going to need to develop other body functions to keep the human brain functioning. Are you sure you want your AI to go through this procedure?"
Gakushū was conflicted. If Karma proceeds with the brain transplant, he might turn into a completely different person entirely!He could lose interest in Gakushū. Everything, all of the memories of their time together would be gone.
And he would be alone again
"How will you acquire a human brain?"
"We have access to some donor bodies. It's rather fortunate that your base model has been identified with a compatible donor. This is a limited time offer, we can only give you at most a few days" Horibe stated.
"I see" Gakushū responded.
Later that evening
He called Ren, Nagisa, and Isogai to go out for drinks. He needed advice. He hasn't been out drinking since Karma came into his life
After a few beers, Gakushū spilled about Karma's potential upgrade surgery to his friends.
"So you're saying that either Karma gets a brain procedure and upgrade to a cyborg or you are going to be alone forever with an AI fantasy" Ren waved his beer can. "Sucks to be you. This is why I only go for one-night stands"
"Are you really in love Asano-kun? Or are you just in love with the idea of loving someone?" Nagisa loosened his tie. "It would be totally unfair for Karma, to be forced into this mess you made after you combine some dead guy's brain with him"
"So you're saying I shouldn't do this?" Gakushū slammed his fist on the table.
"No Asano-kun, what we're saying is that you should talk to Karma about this first" Isogai corrected. "If you don't consult him about your decision, he'll hate you forever"
"How's he supposed to hate him? Karma's an AI built for Gakushū, he's not allowed to feel anything negative for him" Ren remarked.
Some time after midnight
Isogai and Ren helped Gakushū back to his apartment. The man was classic light-weight when it comes to liquor. Isogai fished out Gakushū's house keys and opened the door.
"Shū, you look drunk" The AI greeted the drunk man and his friends at the door. Karma turned to Isogai and Ren and said, "Thank you for bringing Gakushū-sama back home"
"It was no trouble" Isogai smiled at him before turning around to call for a taxi.
Without a word, Karma lifted Gakushū up bridal-style with freakish robot strength towards his master's bedroom. He took off Gakushū's clothes and stripped down to his boxers. He then laid the strawberry blonde down the bed and covered his body with bedsheets.
"Karma... Karma...." The drunk man muttered with his hands stretching for his robot.
"Shū, I am here" Karma held Gakushū's hand with his.
"Please don't leave me..." Gakushū's eyelashes fluttered a little before closing for sleep.
"I won't, Gakushū" The robot sat beside the man and held his master’s hand until he woke up

Electronic Emotions(Completed)
FanfictionAsano Gakushū is fed up in the bullshit called love. Still single at the age of twenty six, he aimlessly stumbles on life. Wake up early, skip breakfast, go to work, go home to an empty house, et cetera. And then, things change when he stumbles on a...