alternate ending

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"Hey, I left the loofa you gave me in one of the drawers in the room. Can you get it? It's my favorite? " I pointed in the direction of my room and she gave me a distrusting look. And she was right to do that. "I'm not gonna try anything."

"Fine, I trust you. Be right back, don't try anything."

tw Suicide attempt

The minute she was out of sight, I fiddled for the object. Then I held it up, making sure it had a silencer and off of safety. Knowing the way she searched my drawers, I held it up, breathing in slowly. Counting to ten. By then she'd find the letter.

"I'm so, so sorry." I put the gun in my mouth, and tip it against the roof of my mouth.

"Antonia! No, wait-"

I pulled the trigger.

But there was only a click. I pulled it again and threw it to the side. It was empty. I thought I had a bullet in each. Panic rose in my chest and I began to hyperventilate. The water. It was gonna be painful but I could-

I was being lifted from the water and onto a towel. And I realized how badly I failed when I was getting wrapped up in another towel and heard some sniffles.

"I can't do it, Bri. I can't. I can't."

The breakdown that I'd been holding in for so long ensued. Whoever was on the other line stopped talking when they heard me and I was being embraced by her in the next second.

"I- I scared you. Didn't I?" I blinked back tears from my eyes. "I'm sorry. I really am. I just can't live knowing he-"

"Dont think about him, ok. We're gonna report him. No questions asked. And you can get the procedure done. You know that. "

"What- no I don't wanna have them chop it up and, no. It will hurt it."

She looked at me with high confusion at first. Then nodded. The sound of a vehicle pulling up somewhat drew my attention to the staircase.

"Who is that?"

"Your manager. We're gonna get you dressed and see where it goes from there.-"

"I'm going to ber house, aren't I? Cause I'm too destructive, "

She stayed silent. All I could hear was the door open and close, then the woman rushing up the stairs.

"Will you stay with me?"

She ran a hand through my dripping hair and then looked at how badly scarred my arms were.

"Hi, Toni. How are we feeling?"


"Ok. That's ok. Bria's gonna help you get dressed and you'll spend some time at mine ok?"

I nodded, blinking the tears back and feeling completely defeated.

We walked into the bedroom and I saw the other gun there. It was as good as none but Sabrina was following my eyes' trails. And she kicked it out the door. My manager's foot stopped it. Knowing the detective of a woman she is, she probably bad both in bags ready to be disposed of.

"Do you still love me?"

"I do," she chuckled softly and prompted me to pick out my clothes. "I need you to try with yourself though." Her voice crack cracked my heart.

"I won't play this game again."

"I won't ask if you promise because you're still in shock... but that's a start."

I removed my towel and began to put my clothes on. And sighed.

I'll promise it to myself.

Games We Shouldn't Play (a one shot)Where stories live. Discover now