Chapter Twenty

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Isabella's pov;

I let out a yawn while entering Mr Martinez's room. He was on the bed working on his laptop.

I walked to him and sat beside the chair and let out a yawn again.

"Are you tired?"

I leaned back on the chair and said, "Yeah, I had practice today."


"Oh, didn't I say? Sorry, I thought you would have known it since Big Brother did a background check on me."

He laughed and said, "He's like that."

"Um... I play basketball for my school team. We have a competition tomorrow, so we practised a lot today."

"You play basketball?"

"Yeah, don't I look like one?"

He smiled and said, "No."

"Why are you being so straightforward, Mr Martinez?"

"Is it bad?"

"Kinda not, but it could bring trouble sometime. Not everyone thinks alike. You know it right?"

"Yeah. But being like this we can find how people treat me."

"What do you mean 'being like this, does that mean you're trying to be straightforward and you're not straightforward?"

"In your language 'kinda'."

I broke into laughter and said, "That was good. You got me good." And continued laughing and let out a yawn. "Sorry for yawning, Mr Martinez. I couldn't hold it in."

"If you're tired, you can leave."

I sat straight on the stool and saluted him while saying, "No, Sir! I'm at your service, Sir!" and held his hand calmly.

"That startled me."


"After I fall asleep, go straight to your home and take a rest. Understand?"

"Understood, Sir!"

He let out a sigh and closed his eyes to sleep.

After he slept, I pulled my hand slowly out of his grip and made my way out of Mr Martinez's room.

"Here's your payment." Big brother gave an envelope filled with cash.

"Thank you." And I let out a yawn again in front of Big brother.

"I'll accompany you to the car."

"Thank you, Big Brother."

"Why did you meet my daughter?"

I stood still in my place when he suddenly asked me about that.

"B-Big brother?"

"Yuyang told what happened at school. Why did you meet her in the class? Why did you say that you're her niece and why did you bring her ice cream? And why did you say that you'll be there for a dance performance?"

I let out a nervous chuckle and said, "It looked like she told everything, huh?"

He gave a nod and continued walking beside me while asking, "What are you trying to do, Ms Garcia?"

"I just wanted to see her after you said you're having a daughter. That curiosity made me talk with her. After talking with her, it felt like I was seeing myself when I was little so I liked her quickly."

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