Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
"Freddy, you ready?" asked Michael. "Yeah, yeah. I think so. I'm just nervous, that's all. Getting married is a big deal," I responded sighing. "It's ok to be nervous. It's big moment for you after all. You'll be fine," said Michael. "If you're ready I'll check on Foxy and Mangle. Foxy should hopefully be ready now as well," said Henry. "Alright," I responded as he made his way towards the bathroom near the garage. "You ever thought about getting married to Mangle?" I asked Michael. "Well, I haven't really thought about and it's kinda hard to when I'm, you know, dead. Besides I'm fine enough with the way we are right now. I don't need to get married to show our affection to each other or even swear an oath, we display that with our interactions and how we treat one another," he responded. "Guess it really is that simple for you," I said. "Well, I never thought my girlfriend would be a robot while I'm a soul in a rotting corpse or an animatronic suit, but life has always been full of surprises," he responded. "However, I'm happy for you and that you have the chance to get a wedding. You deserve it." "I think we all deserve to be happy for just a moment, a chance to experience peace. After all we've been through and what we'll face onwards," I responded. "Foxy is ready. It's time we starting the wedding now," said Henry walking back from the bathroom with Mangle. "Alright then. Let's do this," I responded. "About time!" exclaimed Helpy. The four of us walked down the aisle, as Michael and Mangle sat on the seats on the front right side, as me and Henry stopped in front of the TV. "If everyone is ready, then let us begin," announced Henry. "Helpy. The music please." "Yeah, yeah," responded Helpy holding the phone as he started to play around with it. A moment later the screen on the TV changed to the background of a chapel as wedding music could be heard through the speakers of the TV. I gotta say it didn't sound too bad. A moment later Foxy walked around the corner slowly, making her way down the aisle slowly with the music continuing to set the mood and moment. We couldn't help but smile at each other, almost still taking it in that we were actually doing this. It felt like a dream come true. She was holding some of the flowers I had asked Henry to pick out, which looked nice and well. Finally she reached the TV where me and Henry were, as Helpy lowered the volume of the TV down where the music was muted now. Henry pulled out a piece paper in his pocket and held it up to read, as everyone waited for him to do so.
"Dearly beloved and honored guests: We are gathered together here to join Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy in the union of marriage. This contract is not to be entered into lightly, but thoughtfully and seriously, and with a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities. The bride and groom have each prepared vows that they will read now," spoke Henry.
"I, Funtime Foxy, take thee, Funtime Freddy, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part," spoke Foxy as we both faced each other.
"I, Funtime Freddy, take thee, Funtime Foxy, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part," I said. It was good thing a practiced the vows so I wouldn't forget them, though at least Foxy went first to help me.
"And now: Funtime Freddy, do you take Funtime Foxy to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?" said Henry.
"I do," I responded confidently.
"And Funtime Foxy, do you take Funtime Freddy to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him forevermore?" said Henry.
"I do," she responded.
"To make your relationship work will take love. Continue to date each other. Take time to show each other that your love and marriage grows stronger with time. It will take trust to know that in your hearts, you truly want what is best for each other. It will take dedication to stay open to one another—and to learn and grow together. It will take loyalty to go forward together, without knowing exactly what the future brings. And it will take commitment to hold true to the journey you have both pledged today," continued Henry. And now by the power vested in me by God it is my honor and delight to declare you married. Go forth and live each day to the fullest. You may seal this declaration with a kiss."
Me and Foxy both leaned in for the kiss, solidifying our marriage as official. We broke off the kiss a moment later both us smiling and feeling such a form of happiness that could not fully be explained in words. This was true happiness.
"I am so pleased to present the newlyweds, Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy," said Henry as he showed a smile during those words. Me and Foxy both held our hands together as we walked down the aisle, with Helpy turning the volume back on the TV with the music playing again. Everyone clapped to celebrate our marriage and a happiness I was able to obtain. I turned to look at Michael and Mangle, who seemed happy for us. Michael give me a nod, as I did the same back as we continued down the aisle. I gave a look at Bon Bon who gave me a thumbs up with a smile on his face, showing the humanity he still had in him, as I did the same back. We made our way over past the aisle and into the kitchen with all the food and drinks for us to have, as everyone began to get out of their chairs now. Helpy lowered the music on the TV again until it was muted again, as Henry made his way over to us. "There's so much food and drinks here," said Foxy in awe with how much there is. "It is a wedding after all. So let's help ourselves, shall we?" I said. "Of course," she responded as we grabbed the plates on the table. "That really is a lot of food," said Helpy behind us as everyone approached us. "Well dig in then because we got plenty," I responded as I walked on over to grab a burger, buns, and everything else to go with the burger on the table. "You got strawberries. And you have chocolate made to dip it in?" asked Foxy surprised as she noticed them on the table as well. "Henry and Helpy spent some of their time doing so once we continued training after we discussed our battle plans. Go ahead, grab some," I said. Foxy excitedly grabbed the strawberries and them dipped in chocolate, as I grabbed a chocolate cookie at the table as well. "Yo Freddy, you mind helping me out? I'm short, remember?" asked Helpy. "Sure," I responded as I grabbed him and placed him on the table, as he grabbed a plate. "So how does it work trying to get food from the fridge or use the bathroom? Bon Bon and Bonnet always had someone to assist them with those issues, so does Henry help you often?" I asked him. "When he's not working, he'll help me out. Most of the time I'm on my own. If I'm going to the bathroom I gotta use them stepstools to do so, and if I'm getting something from the fridge I use a chair to get up on the countertop and then stand on that to reach the cabinets," explained Helpy grabbing his food. "I'm surprised you haven't slipped and fallen. That is dangerous you know," I responded grabbing some more food. "He almost has. Two days ago he was trying to grab some candy from the cabinets and almost slipped and fell. Luckily he managed to grab on the handle of the cabinet to stop himself from falling," said Bonnie from behind me. "You just described a toddler," said Bon Bon behind us as well. "Wow! Joke about me being a kid because of my not so usual size! That'll get old fast!" exclaimed Helpy annoyed continuing to grab food. "Ah, hell yeah! Cookies with M&Ms! You and me Freddy we really do share the same tastes! Maybe too well." "Well. Glad you approve," I responded. "Where's the ice cream cake?" asked Helpy looking around. "In the freezer. It isn't called an ice cream cake for nothing. Henry will take it out after a minute since it needs to sit around for ten minutes," I responded. I opened the ice chest and grabbed the Coke that caught my eye first, cold as ice with it being surrounded by ice. "Please tell me you got Pepsi," said Helpy walking on over to the edge of the countertop as he looked below at the open ice chest. "And you say we share the same tastes," I said grabbing the Pepsi and handing it to Helpy. "Well, I'll forgive that difference," he responded placing his plate of food on the countertop. "Now take me down!" I did as he asked and lifted him up, placing his on the ground before grabbing his plate of food and handing it to him. "You're surprising light, for a bunch of metal and parts," I said. "For someone making a comment of my weight, at least it was something nice," he responded. The both of us made our way out of the kitchen room and into the dining room, where Foxy was already seated and waiting for us. Michael and Charlie were also both sitting at the table as well due to them not being able to eat or drink since their souls were stuck in animatronic bodies. I still felt bad about their situation, even if they were okay with it. Tonight would most likely be our last moments of peace and happiness and it was unfortunate the both them couldn't celebrate this moment to the fullest like the rest of us could. I sat down next to Foxy, as Helpy sat on the end of the left side of the table. "This really does feel like an actual wedding," said Foxy still looking at all the decorations Henry and Helpy had set up. "Well... yeah," said Helpy stopping himself from continuing any further. Everyone looked at him, probably judging him for him opening his mouth once again. "It looks kinda like a birthday part more than a wedding party? Yeah, well, it kinda does. Or it's both if you really want to call it that," I said to him. "Well... ok, yeah it looks like one. Not a problem both are good. One you swear an oath with the love of your life to celebrate it, and another you celebrate the day of your birth. I mean, we may never get the chance to celebrate our birthdays. Hell, some of you probably have to find out when you were activated or created. Actually, when might be an animatronic's birthday? The day they're created or when they're activated?" responded Helpy. "Why do you ask? A birthday's a birthday," said Bonnie walking past the table and sitting down on the other side of the table across from Foxy. "Oh, sounds like someone didn't like celebrating it!" teased Helpy. "Yeah, I didn't like getting a cake shoved in my face by Foxy when we celebrated it. Only me, no one else. And I mean Foxy the Pirate by the way," responded Bonnie. "We had birthdays like what they're like here, though we called them Creationdays. We're created not birthed like humans." "Creationdays. I remember mine," said Mangle walking in the dining room now. "Heh, I tell you my cousin Lolbit used to give me the cheapest gifts each time. I remember she gave me a hook on the last one I had. Always had to be something from her shop." "Remember what Foxy used to get for his Creationday? Always it was pirate themed. A new eyepatch, a spyglass. That miniature pirate ship! I don't know how Fredbear got him that but he basically even got a glass case for it as well. Heh, at least it was easy to know what to get him," said Bonnie as Bon Bon walked and sat on the seat across from me. "Springbonnie was easy. Books, that all it was she wanted. Whether it was new, one she already had, or just one you can badly write on a bunch of papers, she didn't care... I'm sure she would love to be here." "She would. Though she would also want for us to be happy, even without her," said Mangle. Henry walked in the room now, sitting at the seat across from Helpy. "For once you actually decide to stay out of your cave and eat with us," noted Helpy. "Well, that would be rude of me, would it not?" responded Henry. "He knows. It's just weird to see you actually eating with us, especially with a bunch of animatronics at that," I said. "We're making history man. People think we can't coexist with humans? Well look at us! We just proved them wrong," said Helpy. "Hmm. I guess you have a point to consider there," responded Henry. "It has been so long since I've eaten with a bunch of people, especially those who I can consider family. My parents, and Mary's as well, have long passed away. She and I also didn't have brothers or sisters growing up and I have not talked with anyone properly for years now. During the time I meet all of you I was keeping track of William and what he would do, as well as digging up any information of his plans and motives. It was all I did during that time and what kept me going for so long and to push back the feeling of loneliness. It's good to have that feeling again of talking with others." "We're just returning the favor," I said in response. "I'm glad we, at least, get to spend time one last time. With you especially father," said Charlie. "I can say the same," responded Henry. "Being apart of a wedding. It really does feel like a birthday party. One that doesn't involve people losing their life. It's peaceful." "I imagine not having a moment of happiness or a chance to relax for so long gets to you, so that when you actually have a moment a peace it feels off. You're not used to it and, in a way, seem to forget such a thing can exist," I said. "Like I said before, we all needed this." "Ok. If we're going to enjoy ourselves I suggest we actually talk about things less depressing or emotional. We do that too much," said Helpy. "Oh yeah? What do have want to talk about, if you even have anything on your mind?" asked Bon Bon. "I don't know! You don't just ask someone to start a conversation, it's supposed to come normally. Just kinda just say whatever the hell comes to mind, even if the topic is stupid," explained Helpy. "So you admit you don't think when speaking?" asked Bonnie. "Yeah, I don't. Bon Bon does the same thing! What, you think the things I say are bad?!" asked Helpy annoyed. "More like unethical or proper," said Mangle clarifying Bonnie's comment. "Ha, you think what I say is bad?! Compared to Bon Bon?! I don't know how to tell you this but the stuff you hear online doesn't even compare to what Bon Bon or I say combined!" laughed Helpy. "Yeah, he's right about with the knowledge I have," I said in agreement. "Like what?" asked Bonnie. "It's best you don't know," I responded. "I tell you people become your friend online the moment you talk about animals. I'll be using Henry's Facebook account and I'll just see a post about someone posting pictures of their pet dog or whatever, and I'll comment that they're cute or whatever because why not. Always, there's someone that replies in agreement that turns into a conversation about animals. It's nice though. Of course when people ask why I don't own a pet I have to make up the same ass excuse about being allergic to cats or I can't be bothered to take care of my own pet if I got one," said Helpy. "Is that all you do with my account?" questioned Henry. "You gave me permission to use it. All you said was don't reveal to anyone I'm an animatronic or do anything that can compromise our mission. All I've done is look at cats and dogs, that's it... Maybe I also joined some group about movies, I can't remember. Still, that's not harming us," responded Helpy. "What is a Facebook?" asked Bonnie. "Look at that. We got ourselves a boom-" "Don't say it. I know what you were going to say, so don't say it," I said cutting him off. "Alright then, what's the proper word to use to describe Bonnie or Mangle here? Behind the times? Uncultured? Amish?" asked Helpy. "Maybe just 'no knowledge at all,' because they didn't have computers in their world, which also means they had no Facebook, social media, or the internet in general," I responded. "What, so your the expert on them then? You and everyone else either had time to understand it or just didn't care," said Bonnie. "Actually I only know of Facebook because Freddy explained that and what social media was to me a while back," said Foxy. "Yeah. Same here. Have to agree with Helpy on this one. You're way behind," said Bon Bon. "Ok then. Educate me and Mangle here since I still have limited knowledge on phones and whatever else this world has made," responded Bonnie. "Well, it couldn't hurt to learn something new. Very well, enlighten us," said Mangle. "Alright. Imagine, like, I don't know, a place you have full control over. You can learn things without a books, have places where discussions can occur about whatever you want, and make, as well as destroy, things like entertainment or something like a blog discussing the economy. It's kinda like the wild west sometimes. A desert where picking sides don't mean shit and people go full on mask off and say whatever they like. And when I say people will say anything, I mean anything! Literally the worst things you can hear! But's that's how it is... Now that I think about it, the internet isn't a place you have full control because it changes from time-to-time, as well as evolving. Kinda hard to have something you can have control over and do whatever you want. Or we just can't do that sort of thing. I highly doubt it'll stay that way, hell maybe somebody like Duality could so such a thing or William. Who knows," said Helpy. "So that's the summary?" asked Bonnie. "Pretty much," responded Helpy. "That did not explain anything. I have more questions than what I had to begin with," said Bonnie. It really was a bad summary of the internet, but at least he tried. It was just the thought of living in a world you can do whatever you want with Helpy mentioned that was in my mind now. If only such a thing could exist. "You see? Conversations that stem from actually giving knowledge to someone, and also the most random thing that comes to mind from Facebook. Point taken?" Helpy said to Bon Bon. "Gloat about it long enough and nobody will care," responded Bon Bon rolling his eyes. "How about we put a hold on our conversation and have some cake. Most us have eaten and the cake should be ready to eat now," I suggested. "Now you're talking!" exclaimed Helpy getting out of his chair and on the ground. "Cake really gets him moving, huh?" I said to Henry. "Indeed," he responded as most us decided to get up from our seats and head back into the kitchen. "You seem happy," I said to him. "It's a feeling that... speaks for itself. I didn't realize how much I needed this as well," said Henry. "Not just happiness. True happiness. Something you'll look back on later in your life and smile, reliving the moment again and what it meant to you," I said. "True happiness. I guess happiness can come in different forms, and perhaps that is what everyone should seek instead of just happiness," said Henry. "C'mon. You and Foxy are the one's who get to have the first slices of cake. I'm sure Helpy will eat a considerable portion of it if he could." "As long as he leaves enough seconds it don't matter to me," I responded with a chuckle as we made our way to the kitchen. I was just having so much fun; experiencing true happiness and having a good time. It didn't just feel good, but like I was actually alive and living a life. This would be a day I would never forget and what it has meant to me. I'll remember the day I realized I was an actual living being experiencing the best part of life. After all, the best parts of your life are the most memorable.