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Recently, I had discovered that the doctor had the most cozy room in the universe, probably. It wasn't too big and had a large crackling fire place. A furry rug was on the floor and a basket of blankets to the side. Actually, I had decided to hide in there since I needed to go through another memory session. Sitting myself on the brown sofa, I flicked through a book of short stories and sighed. The doctor could easily find me. After all, it was her ship. Still, I needed to mentally prepare myself for the trauma. All I found out through these sessions is how horrible my parents were. Of course, the orphanage thought I was five but I was much older. The door creaked open yet I didn't look up, knowing it was the doctor. She sat beside me and glanced over me with a frown.
"How about I stay with you this time? This could be the last session." Hearing this, I perked up and looked at her. Agreeing, she grabbed the device and put me it on me carefully. This time, as my head was being flooded with awful memories, she held onto my hand tightly. When it was finally over, she cleared everything away and added another log to the fire.
"Doctor, how come you never stayed before?" Coming back to me, she sighed.
"Because I can see the memories if I'm too close." Realising that she just saw everything, I looked down embarrassed. The doctor wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer. My head rested in her chest comfortably, body relaxing.
"Its okay. I'm not here to judge." Nodding, I looked up at her to see she was looking back. Cupping my cheek, she pressed our lips together gently. Kissing back, I sat up slightly and wrapped my arms around her neck to get closer. The respiratory bypass was proving useful as we didn't have to pull back anytime. In fact, the kiss became more heated and her hand found my thighs and the doctor pulled me onto her lap with ease. Breaking apart, I looked at her in surprise.
"What is it?" She asked, stroking my cheek lovingly.
"Nothing, I just thought you'd be a bottom." Halting her movements, she looked at me in disbelief.
"I am not." Now I was even more surprised.
"You know what that is?" Chuckling, the doctor pecked the corner of my lips then slowly down to my jawline. Feeling her teeth nip against my skin, I got tense. However, I relaxed as she left a dark mark in that place.
"I know exactly what that is." I could feel a blush spreading over my face and was quick to byry it into the crook of her neck. All she did was laugh and hold me close.

For once, the doctor was actually asleep. It was a rarity so I took this advantage to take a long shower. As soon as the hot water hit my body, my mind began to wonder. All my life I'd grown up around terrible people, even the ones I couldnt remember. Apparently my birth parents weren't a fan of me, locking me away, starving me and screaming if I took one step out of line. They hated me so much that they abandoned me on earth and wiped all my memories. Carrying on from that, the orphanage was no better. The lady who owned it stolr most of my stuff and used the money for cigarettes. She couldn't feed us and forced us to work from an early age. If she thought we were doing bad, she'd whip us. Even the girls who i shared a room with couldn't stand me. Picking on me every chance I got and driving me to the point of self hatred that made me want to die. Thinking on this, I glanced down and my thighs and swallowed. 'Dont hurt yourself', the doctors words replaying in my mind. What would she do one she found out that's what I'd been doing all this time. From my memories, I found that my body couldn't fully regeneration. All the cells would heal but my physical appearance couldn't change. Meaning, all the scars stayed. Tears fell from my eyes but were masked from the shower. All I wanted right now was to be in the doctors arms, even if I felt I didn't deserve it. How did I end up here? With her? Someone so amazing chose me, someone who was usually forgotten. I can't believe she wanted me, she kissed me, said I was the person she wanted to be with. It made not sense to me but I wasn't going to ruin this. I'd just have to keep these thoughts to myself for now.

After I was dry, I went back into the bedroom and slipped I to the bed as gently as possible. Delicately, I lifted the doctor arms and moved so I was in her hold. To where I was safe. My face nuzzled her neck, eyes closing. Her grip suddenly grew tight on me and I knew she was awake.
"Your hair smells nice." She mumbled tiredly, nose pressed to my head, placing a soft kiss to where she could reach. I smiled and itched as close as possible. As long as I was with her, I was safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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