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Cassidy's POV

She looked out of the corner of her eye, a small smile tugging on her lips as she saw Austin sitting on a couch talking with the guys. She let out a small groan as she saw Jessica sitting close to him but the groan slowly changed to a chuckle as she started to shake her head. It was sad really, he was clearly ignoring her existence yet she was sitting there like she was still somebody. She had even recalled that they were fighting--again--before leaving the house and he told her to sit home if she was upset that they were all partying before the concert. She didn't belong with him, she didn't know what this life really entailed and she seemed to bring him down instead of bringing him up.


She shook her head coming out of her gaze of staring at Austin--something that she has been doing more and more as the festivals progressed--as she looked back at Adam who had his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at her with a knowing grin before slowly shaking his head back and forth.

"You know that stare of yours is going to get you in trouble one day. You're lucky that it was me and not someone else. You're a dead give away tonight" he said bumping into her shoulder as she looked at him with a shy grin.

"Sorry" she said shaking her head as she took a long sip of her wine. "I know that I told him that I can't be together with him like that if he doesn't break up with Jessica but shit, just seeing him completely fucking ignoring that bitch tonight is sign enough to me that he wants nothing to do with her" she said, her gaze shifting back over to Austin again letting it linger there for just a minute before she brought it back over to Adam.

"You two fucking love each other and you're being like two fucking kids. Just be all over each other or something, rip the fucking band-aid off I feel like that is the only way she is actually going to go away" he said with a shoulder shrug as he placed a cigarette between his lips and quickly lit it. "I mean I'm team Casstin" he said, his nickname for them making her laugh as Austin turned around to look in their direction.

She looked over at him, the blue in his eyes visible even from the distance that they were from each other as she smiled at him, her lip coming between her teeth as he smiled back at her. She could feel his eyes roaming over her body, the connection that they had on her wanting to pull her over to him. It was so strong it was something that she wasn't going to be able to ignore.

"Well, let's go stir the pot a little shall we?" she said giving Adam a wink as she finished off her wine, before reaching out to grab another bottle off of the table.

"How much have you drank?" he asked cocking his head at her as he started to smile, his hand sinking into the front of his jeans as he brought the cigarette back to his lips.

"Just enough to have some fun and open up" she said giving him a wink as she started to walk over towards Austin. He looked sexy tonight, the dark green of his polo was contrasting to his perfect blue eyes and it made his skin look decadent and the black of his tattoos stand out vibrantly against the light tint of his skin. His hair was the perfect length and the more that she looked at it, all she could think of was twisting her fingers through the tiny curls as they rolled between the sheets together. She had his risky picture to thank for those images that weren't able to leave her head and she knew they would be permanently stuck there until she actually saw it later...something she wasn't going to pass up. Today was just one of those days where she needed to act on how much she loved him and she didn't care what the consequences were.

"Hey Austin" she said sliding onto the beige cushions next to him, the tanned bare skin of her thigh touching his, the connection feeling like fire against her skin as he looked over at her, his eyes dancing with hers before they gazed down to her lips as he drug his tongue out to lick his before slowly sliding his eyes back up to hers. She smiled at him, his fingers slowly grazing over the side of his thigh. They held each others gazes before her eyes fell to his hands as it looked like he was digging into the pocket of his shorts only for his fingers to catch hers between his.

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