The Fox Or The Wolf?

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With Melissa's help they snuck into the hospital. It was so much easier and made him feel so much less anxious now that Melissa knew about Kyle and what the other half of him was Stiles thought, as they easily got inside.

Stiles senses seemed to have become stronger than last time, he could practically taste the pain in the air.

It was sweet and refreshing at the same time.

His mouth started to water.

Kyle looked a little dazed as they randomly chose an older woman who's pain they could tell was the strongest.

She seemed to be suffering from some sort of disease that was causing waves of agony to admit from her body.

Stiles hoped that the doctors could figure out a solution but for now, they could help.

The older women was tensed up in her bed, there were tears of pain in her eyes yet she still stared at the door hopefully.

Hopeful that there was good news. 

Stiles had to admire the women's courage. Kyle told him it wouldn't matter she was awake by how tired she looked, she'd go to sleep the moment the pain stopped keeping her up.

Stiles and Kyle went in, Kyle lying that they had gotten the wrong room and was wondering if she knew were a certain ward was. He also asked how she was and engaged her in a conversation.

She seemed like she welcomed the distraction. Stiles while she was distracted, went around the bed then gently reached out and touched her ankle which wasn't covered by her gown.

The older lady, looked surprised for a split second then she suddenly smiled brightly, finally looking at peace and her eyes closed and she slumped against the bed. 

Getting the rest she had needed.

The pain shoot up through Stiles body quickly and his eyes shifted to silver and a tinge of blue though mainly silver.

Like always it felt amazing, for a moment he lost himself in how fantastic taking the pain made him feel, how high on energy yet a movement out of the corner of his eye made him come back to reality, he suddenly remembered while they were really here. He reluctantly let go, so he could keep an eye on Kyle.

His concern for Kyle over taking his own hunger and made him able to control himself a lot more than he was used too.

Kyle was holding her wrist once she had fallen asleep. The pain Stiles could see was spirally quickly up Kyle's arm and around the rest of his body.

He seemed more relaxed as well as if this was the only thing that gave him relief.

Stiles could relate to that feeling.

He wasn't sure when the best time for Kyle to stop was but he made a guess once the pain started to go more slowly up Kyle's arm and he could see the way Kyle hand started to tighten on the wrist in order to pull more pain out.

Any tighter and her wrist would break!

"Hey, Kyle" Stiles said.

Kyle didn't seem to hear him.


Still nothing.

Stiles gritted his teeth then grabbed on to Kyles hand, retching it away before he could do any harm.

For a split second he had Kyle in his face, eyes flashing silver, with a low furious growl but just as quickly as that had happened, the terrifying expression left his face and the Nogitsune stepped backwards, looking shocked then apologetic and ashamed.

"It's fine, seriously! I basically did the same to you, so now we're even I guess. You snapped out of it quicker than me too" Stiles said, before Kyle could apologise.

"Still-" Kyle tried to say but Stiles huffed, shaking his head "And I said it's fine, no apology needed"

Stiles gave a chuckle more out of relief that, that was over, for a split second he had thought they might have to fight.

He was so glad Kyle had gotten control over himself rather quickly.

He became more serious as he looked Kyle who looked ashamed at his loss of control.

"Though I can see what you mean by afraid you'll loose control now, I'm assuming that isn't a usual thing for you..." Stiles said grimly.

Kyle agreed, shoulders slumping "Yeah, it's getting worse" He said. 

"Well... at least you don't have as many problems as me" Stiles said, trying to help the Nogitsune feel better.

Maybe it was because he was tired of secrets or maybe he just wanted to distract Kyle and make him feel a little better about his own situation, so when Kyle looked at him curiously, Stiles opened up about his dream.

Soon the guilt and shame left Kyle's eyes which was what Stiles was going for as he listened, it turned to mainly concern for Stiles.

"So, what do you think? Am I turning insane or what?" Stiles asked, letting out a sigh of frustration.

They had left the hospital by this point, slowly walking back home.

Thankfully nothing was following this time.

"I think your subconscious is trying to help you" Kyle said, after a moment of thought "I think it's being literal, like it wants you to pick your wolf or fox supernatural side"

"But what does that even mean?" Stiles groaned.

Why was his own freaking subconscious so hard to understand?!

Kyle didn't say anything for a while, he glanced at Stiles then looked away again, suddenly looking a little nervous.

Stiles narrowed his eyes at him as he asked "What is it?"

The Nogitsune finally said hesitantly "This is just me guessing though considering what's going on with you... it lines up..."

He looked at Stiles intensely as he continued "What if what you're going through happens to all WereFox's? What if, they're so rare because they're not possible, that your two supernatural sides can't co-exist so what it's saying need to chose one supernatural side. You need to either become a full Nogitsune or a full werewolf"

Stiles felt like his heart was sinking, choose between being a werewolf or a Nogitsune? Why did he have to choose?! But... it made sense the way Kyle explained it.

If all werefox's had to eventually become a fox or a wolf since they're supernatural sides couldn't co-exist then no wonder no one had hardly met any of them.

"And...if I don't choose?"

"Given how much pain your supernatural sides fighting inside is causing you, I assume nothing good" Kyle said grimly.

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