Chapter 6

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Shin POV

Shin : Here is the next quote!

"How about you sit, too? If it's too hot, take off some clothes,"

Everyone : What?!

Ayanokoji : (Why is it always related to me?)

Shin : (Who knows)

Ayanokoji : ...

Ibuki : (Tch, it's that time...)

Horikita : Do you know who is it Ayanokoji-kun?

Ayanokoji : No

Horikita : Are you sure?

Ayanokoji : Yeah

Horikita : Useless

Ayanokoji : (What? You're one who's useless)

Ayanokoji Sigh

Ishizaki : Ryuen-san do you know who is it?

Ryuen : Why the fuck do you always ask me?

Ishizaki : I-i thought you would know

Ryuen : I would answer it immediately if i know the fucking answer

Ishizaki : I-i see...

Random : Who would say something like that to someone?

Random : It's definitely a pervert

Ayanokoji : ...

Shin : Do you guys wants choices?

Everyone : Yeah!

Shin : I see...

Random : Where's the choices?

Shin : I didn't say i would put choices i just asked you

Random : Tch

Random : Stingy shit

Random : Pervert...

Shin : I hear you guys... and who the hell say Pervert?! (Just what did i do to make them call me a pervert...)

Shin : Should i give you guys a hint?

Defects : Yeah!

Random Defect : At least give us a hint

Shin : Why should i give you a hint?

Defect : Because it's hard what else?!

Shin : I'm still wondering that how did you guys even got accepted on the school of the elites. Are you guys even a elite?

Defects : What did you say?!

Shin : Ah, you guys are elite at being deaf

Everyone laughed except the Defects

Sudo : You bastard!

Horikita : Sudo-kun stop

Sudo : His calling us defects! Are you just gonna take it?!

Horikita : ...

Sudo walked up to me 

Shin : Ho? You're approaching me? Instead of listening to your master like a dog, You're approaching me?

Everyone laughed

Sudo : You bastard! I can't beat the shit out of you if i can't come closer!

Shin : Then walk like a dog as you approach me Sudog!

Sotomura : (That's kinda familiar...)

Ryuen : Kukuku, Sudog that's a good name

A irk mark pop in Sudog's head

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