Throughout the entire surgery process, Katsuki and Miko paced and paced until their friends forced them to sit down. And even then, all they did was have the all famous anxiety leg thing and worry over and over.
Katsuki's friends supported him and tried their best to be there for the boy behind the curtain in the infirmary, and it was the same with Miko and the heroes, but it was practically impossible for the group as well considering they would also be affected if Kizu died. (Even if they weren't as close with the boy, they were still attached to the small boy.)
After what seemed like days, yet was only a few hours, the doctor came out almost collapsing in his step. Katsuki runs up quickly and catches him, Miko behind in an instant and everyone else trailing. Kirishima standing behind Katsuki and Aizawa behind Miko.
A silence takes over as they wait for him to start talking about Kizu's condition.
"He's alive."
Miko runs in an instant while Kirishima takes Dr. S from Katsuki quickly, him running in as well. She opens the curtain without hesitation and sees her small child resting there with a light above him, (Now off.) an iv in him, a heart monitor as well. (Which is moving at a completely normal beat.) Kizu's black hair is knotted, his shirt having bits of blood splattered on them but nothing that wouldn't happen normally. He's in perfect condition and only has a scar across his neck where the operation took place.
"Oh my baby," Miko whispers out from her dehydrated throat, voice cracking while tears fill her eyes. "You're alive..." She rushes to his bedside and reaches over to take the boy who's laying down in her arms. Honestly, she doesn't know what she'd do if Kizu had passed during the operation. Her son, the one who's kept her going throughout all her hardships; if he were to do, honestly, she probably would as well. Find some way to kill herself just to be able to hold him in her arms once more, even if they were both dead and it wasn't even a confirmed possibility.
Kizu's eyes slowly open from all the movement that Katsuki and Miko are causing, a groan from him as well. "Mama?" He asks, still confused and delirious. "I missed you..."
"I missed you too, love." She hardly communicates properly, her breathing interrupting it but the boy doesn't mind and luls into a well-deserved rest. Katsuki holds onto the boy just before he closes his eyes, his voice producing: "yaaaay... Katsukiiii..." Soft breathing immediately comes from his mouth, happily resting in his mother's arms, surrounded by his hero and mother.
"Thank you, Dr. S." Katsuki thanks the almost-passed-out doctor on both of their behalves. He nods with a thumbs up and immediately passes out in Kirishima's hold, almost bringing the boy down with him.
Standing up, Miko holds her son close and walks out of the tented area, extremely content and happy with the outcome of the operation. She's extremely glad she took the risk—that much is obvious. Katsuki is as well, even if he had no say in whether he should or not, he's glad she made the decision to go through with the procedure.
"Now that we know Kizu's safe," Katsuki starts—they need to continue the search for those bastards, "we need to look around. Whoever did this, albeit it Daiki or someone else, they need to be brought in and pay the fucking price."
"You're right. Kizu said Tide and Daiki did it though so we have our culprit–"
"He thinks they did it. We can't be sure. Although I'm sure you're right, assuming something like that was probably done by him. Considering how he had infiltrated our camp n' shit, I'd be surprised if it wasn't him." Katsuki interrupts with an eye roll. He understands why Aizawa is assuming, but completely pushing it out of the question is unprofessional.
"Now that we have a lead," he corrects himself with a slightly annoyed look at Katsuki, "we can continue on with the search. I say we go back to the house and look around there."
"Shouldn't we have back up? Just in case?" Kaminari calls out, knowing it's dangerous to go in there without knowing details. (He also totally wasn't scared out of his mind.)
"I'll keep heroes on standby, but I plan to ask some of the other students that are more suited for stealth such as Hagakure, Koda, and Jiro." Kayama nods along to Aizawa's idea.
"I think that would be the best considering if shit hits the fan, those students would be able to either be at a distance or escape without being detected." Katsuki finally agrees with an idea the hero has, making Aizawa's heart fill up with the smallest bit of pride for finally saying something that the one who put him in his place agrees with. His face, however, didn't convey this feeling and stayed neutral.
"They'll go rally them up." Yamada says, pointing to Sero and Kaminari. Considering the two of them weren't contributing much to the conversation and Kirishima was still busy holding the now-passed-out Dr. S, Yamada thought it would be better to get them out of their way.
The two boys follow their orders, Sero reassures the others by saying: "Oh yeah! Let's go Denks!" The latter nods and they run off to get the students specified.
The seven left (Who are conscious.) look at one another before Katsuki breaks the silence and looks down with an exasperated sigh, one portraying true tiredness. He's been working and becoming worried as time goes on and it had started to take a toll on him not long ago, yet now he felt as if he was about to pass out where he stands.
Kirishima noticing calls Aizawa to grab him because he, himself, couldn't. In an instant, Aizawa catches the male before he's able to hit the ground; his feet moving faster than he could even think. The blond's eyes close and his breathing steady. How did he just pass out so fast? "Thank you, Aizawa." Kirishima says quietly to the hobo-like-hero. He nods.
A sigh protrudes and Kirishima starts: "Guys, look: I'm sorry about what Kat–"
"Don't be."
A silence, and he continues on from Yamada's interruption. "Katsuki's words earlier. He should have put them in a nicer way. But, what he said was true. And he's been stressing over what he's put on his own shoulders. He wants to be number one, but he also wants to reform society, make the old heroes better if he can, create a new Yuuei entrance exam–one to fit all quirks. He wants to help those by creating more job openings and start up an agency to do so. He has one more thing to my knowledge, but it isn't my place to say. Just... The last one is taking up his energy the most, easily. It's so stress inducing for him that he's started to just walk away and cry. He said he feels like he can't even breathe sometimes from all the weight that's gone from his shoulders straight to his heart. It's more emotionally taxing than you could think. And even if I'm being a dick right now and letting you three know, but since he's out and he's stubborn as all hell, I'm letting you know that he's trying his best. And please, please don't be upset with him."
The heroes look back on his words. Katsuki seriously planned to do all that? He planned to not only help the new generation of heroes, but the old ones too? And he planned to help others who weren't even heroes? Don't misunderstand, he doesn't mean that in a bad way, it's just normally kids don't have plans to help all three groups out.
"Kirishima, is what you're saying life threatening? As in, would he try to commit suicide over this?" Yamada asks before he can even think more on the topic.
Kirishima stays silent, unable to answer for his friend. Would Katsuki consider it? If things got too much, would he take the easy way out? Take the easy way out? What's Kirishima even thinking!? Of course Katsuki wouldn't!
"No. My apologies for even hesitating–Katuski would never consider taking the easy way out, let alone leaving his dreams behind. He values life too much to take the easy way out of a tough situation."
(Please know that if you're struggling, you're not taking the easy way out. You're going strong, still here breathing and thank you so much for living this far. I'm proud of you. :))
Yamada sighs and nods, allowing Aizawa to speak next. "Kirishima. Don't apologize for him–"
"–Sir, please don't be mad at him–"
"He gave us the wake up call we needed. We were like him as kids, but one of our friends, Oboro–"
"–Aizawa; you don't need to–"
"–He had the same dreams as Katsuki before he passed and was unable to make them come true. Katsuki has Oboro's will with a different attitude. He was an amazing kid and was basically our Katsuki at the time. Very similar ambitions; similar goals; similar determination; always caring for others around him, just he was more open about it than Katsuki. So tell me this: why would I be mad at my student that put me on the right track once again?"
Kirishima's mouth parts slightly, no breath following as he just stares at Aizawa; his head shaking quickly before saying: "A-are you sure you're not mad? I didn't want to make you upset with him–"
"Kirishima. He isn't your responsibility. You don't need to apologize or do anything on his behalf. If he wanted to apologize, he would and we both know that. But your actions are appreciated." Aizawa gives him a smile (So small it's almost non-existent.) and starts to near the cots to lay Katsuki down, Kirishima following him with Dr. S to lay him down. When down, they walk out to meet Kayama and Yamada again.
The two heroes look around for the sound. It couldn't have been Katsuki's explosions for he was unconscious. But then–
Aizawa spots the explosion and runs off with his capture weapon.
The final battle is about to start.