Moving day

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Monday 8 AM

You woke up by the sound of your alarm. You got up went to the bathroom and did you regular routine. You turned the shower on and took you clothes of and went under the shower.

You was doing you business thinking about how your live was about to turn starting today

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You was doing you business thinking about how your live was about to turn starting today. Basically you got accepted in a college in Korea where a lot of rich people are. You never been there obviously so you don't even know how you are gonna live there for a whole year and possibly
the rest of your live.

You finally got out of to shower and did your skincare routine and makeup and put on this outfit that you just got.

You went down stairs to see your mom watching tv, when you came in the living room she looked at you like you looked like a different person

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You went down stairs to see your mom watching tv, when you came in the living room she looked at you like you looked like a different person. "My baby has grown up so much." She said while giving you kisses on your cheek. "Mom stop it." You're laughing while she was messing up your makeup. You looked at your younger brother while he was just eating not even acknowledging you. "So you gon act like i ain't here nigga?"
I said to him annoyed. "Shouldn't you leave already?" He said. "Boy bye we al know you are gonna miss me when I'm gone so don't even play like that." I said to him laughing a bit. "If y'all don't both shut the hell up!" My mom said. We all laughed and started eating breakfast together.

2 hours later

You was just done with eating and went to your room to check if you had put everything in your suitcase. You looked around your room, and saw your memories flash by your eyes.

You went downstairs and went to your moms car so that she could bring you to the airport. You looked outside the window kinda sad that you had to leave your hometown.

1 hour later

You got to the airport saying your goodbyes to your family. When they left you got on the airplane and sat in your seat. You was so thankful that your mom at least bought first class so you was comfortable. You got your food and was eating. Looking at the map to see where you were. "This is gonna be a long ass trip." You sighed.

You took the headphones and started watching a movie

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You took the headphones and started watching a movie.

13 hour later

You got of the plane it was really early because of the time difference. You got an Uber "Could you take me to Korea University?" You asked with broken Korean. "Sure" he said. You looked outside the window I saw how different Korea was from your hometown. You did not know how to fit in, of course you knew a little bit of Korean and I bit of traditional things that they do but that's it.

You got to the college where you saw people getting there with there parents, taking pictures, giving hugs.... And there you were alone by yourself. But you didn't give a fuck because you don't need anyone. You just walked in the college and immediately you could feel people looking at you, just straight up staring. I mean you understand it's not everyday that they see a black person but damn can't y'all at least have some human decency.

You got to the front desk and asked for your student ID and other important stuff. "Here you have your dorm key we still don't know if you wil have a roommate but for the moment you sleep alone , and we will get you a guide to show you on campus." The front desk said. "Okay thank you so much" you said with a smile. You turned around and heared some people saying something in Korean. "Omg she is so pretty!" "Look at her she looks like Beyoncé!" Now you know you are pretty but you know damn well that you don't look like no damn Beyoncé. You didn't acknowledge them and just started walking away. On your way out. You saw a group of some girl screaming and pushing each other to see something. You didn't know what was going on so you got a little closer and then you saw this guy. He was so handsome that you got shocked. He looked like a Greek god honestly. You just thought it was weird that they were all around that man like that. So you just started walking away. But then just as you started walking away you heard someone saying.

" Hey, you foreign girl come here!" Everybody stopped talking and you turned around

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" Hey, you foreign girl come here!" Everybody stopped talking and you turned around. "Me?" You asked. He stood up and walked towards you "Are you y/n?" He asked. "Uhm yea why?" You asked. "I'm your tour guide I'm here to show you around." He said. He had this cocky smirk on his face. That you thought was so hot. "So should we begin?" He asked. "Sure why not." You said. " bye Jungkook!" the crowd of girls said. "Bye ladies." He said with that cocky grin again. And the girl just went crazy because of that.

30 min later

"And this last place is your dorm we're you will sleep of course." That Jungkook guy said. "Well thank you for the tour." You said. "You know my dorm is above yours right?" He said. "Okay what do you want me to do with that information?" You asked him. "I'm just saying that if you want anything just come knock on my door and I will be there for you, understand?" He said coming closer to you. "If I needed your help with anything I would've said something." He looked at you shocked but that shocked look changed into a curious one. "Do you need my help right now?" He said. "No i don't think so." You said. You took your bag and went into your dorm but before you could close the door he stood in between the door so you couldn't close the door. "Let me at least help you unpack your stuff." He said.  "Come back in the evening to help me okay?" You said to him. "That's fine by me baby." He said while biting his lips. "Well I'm gonna go look inside my dorm now bye. "You said and closed the door.

"I'm gonna get her by the end of the year."

To be continued...

Hey guys please give feedback on this story I wanna improve so yeah 🫶🏾

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