......and she opened her computer and wrote...
ever since she could remember her family was messed up,her mom was never there and her dad was in and out of her life, she lived with her uncle for most of her life.she use to have the ideal life, the life she wanted, like, third grade she moved schools and maded friends with the little girl across the street, they were bestfriends they did eveything together. so it was only right that her first year in her new school they got put in the same class room.she went to her moms on the weekends and got to see her older brother there.
She really looked up to her older brother he was the reason she was the tough independent girl she is today,
she had it all the best big brother,the best mom and stepdad, and she shined,
she was a radient sunflower in the summer sun.
then when she went home to her dads there was her vision of the perfect family. her step mom,dad and two siblings younger than her, her brother and sister, and the family cat, that was her favorit animal she ever had other than her uncles dog sadie.
then came fourth grade thats when she had to grow up a little faster than everyone had expected