chapter 10

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Ignore mistakes pwease!!!!!!

Taehyung pov

I can't explain or express how i am feeling right now, i just don't know what should i do and I feel right now.

this everything is so badly messed up and I know it's all my fault. I can't blame anyone here.

Why does he has to go with Jimin I mean why he? What attracts him to Jimin ... I don't wanna lose the only person who truly understand me and the one always there for me this is messed. I don't like being away from him not even a bit .

Taehyung don't worry he is ur wife no one is gonna steal that bunny from you.

But on one knows he is my wife and everyone is intrested in him as if he is free in a sale.

And what if Jimin wins his heart he will leave you Taehyung.

No no no I trust my strawberry he won't do that.. he loves me Just doesn't realise it.

Why do you think he wants you are you even good for Jungkook?

I -I am perfect for him!! right??

.... am I ?

He forced himself to marry my pathetic self ...

You are stupid Taehyung, so stupid

Tell me something I don't know.

"Enough" I yelled in frustration. he is and was and will forever be mine. I won't hesitate to fight the world for him i swear.

I walked up to where I know Jungkook and Jimin were working on their project. I think I shouldn't do it right now .. but I don't wanna lose him either.

Without thinking more my feet took me towards them. I wish I didn't ever get their because I saw the think I was scared of.

I saw Jimin got up from his seat and took Jungkook's hand make him stood up and he hugged him...

That's it I deserve it I know ... This happens when we marry someone who you don't even love. Its meant to be right. Even people who are in love for ages, after getting married fall out of love.

And our relationship is just one sided hoe can i even expect him to be cool about him being married to a person who he probably thinks as a brother.

I don't wanna over think maybe it was a friendly hug but my mind is doubting because I know Jungkook I trust him from my heart. And i also know that he feels something for Jimin.

Yes I know Yeri told me but I never paid attention cause I was thinking he loves me and only me . This makes me feel how Childish and immature I am why I am like this god why?

I wanted to cry that's all I can ever do with my pathetic self.

"Damn I say Jimin and Jungkook together you know! .. They look so dam cute.. I want them to be together god!" I stopped my tracks when I heard this.

I should have ran away from there but you know your brain does things which you can't control knowing you will get hurt.

"I know right but Jungkook he keeps sticking with Taehyung all the time god knows why!" I have heard this things million times but it never affect me because I know he was with me .

But now?

I am alone and these words are piercing Me.

"Taehyung doesn't deserve Jungkook .. I mean look at Kool and then look at him.. If Jungkook is smart he will absolutely choose Jimin" Enough I know I know .. stop making me feel pathetic.

"Yah Taehyung is like a innocent and weak bean he can't even manhandle or kiss anyone you know"

"Haha I know .. Does he even know what is love ... I mean grow up man!"

"He got that muscle for what? To just get bullied then I'm good than him lol"

"Nah, he is just trying to be in good si___"

"ENOUGH" I shouted unable to keep these emotions to myself. It hurts.

"I CAN LOVE , I KNOW WHAT IS LOVE GOT IT!" the both girls looked at me

"Really... And you love Jungkook right .. you think he loves you huh he clearly loves jimin ?" She said I lost it

"YES YES YES...HE DO LOVE ME! I KNOW HE DOES!" I yelled and they both laughed at me . The audacity.

"Oh really he said that to you?" One of them said to me ... I lost the last level of my patience.

"HE DID AND IF HE DOESN'T THAN HE WON'T BE MY BOYFRIEND!" I yelled I guess I am trying to convince myself here . I know I broke my promise to keep our relationship secret ... but I didn't say he is married to me right .. so I didn't break my promise right...?

"he is your boyfriend?" They both asked me in shock....

"Yes" I said confidentially.

Looked like they were about to say something but I didn't wanted to head so I walked back to where I was going.
I sat on the cold floor of the terrace and buried my head in my knees. Cried my eyes out ..

That's all I can do .. cry


No one pov.

Jungkook was with Jimin searching for Taehyung to say he was scared would be an underestimate he was horrified because he remembers what happened some days ago.

"Hey Jungkookie calm down will find him!" He said and Jungkook was too worried to hear.

"Jungkook" he heard Yeri yelling his name he didn't wanted to but he went to her.

"Jungkook are you dumb?" She asked the other rolled his eyes which didn't go unnoticed by Yeri.

"You said you wanted to keep your and Taehyung's relationship secret right?" She asked Jungkook nodded anyways

"Then why the hell everyone here knows?" She said and Jungkook's eyes widen.

"W - what?" he asked eyes widen in horror disbelf

"are you seriously this dumb??"

"i didn't tell anyone yeri!" Jungkook protested and fumed in anger."and i know tae didn't too i told him not too... then who?" he questioned himself.

"how do you it ain't Taehyung?" yeri asked with a frown.

"because i told him not too and he trusts me so do i" he says as he makes his way to the work he was doing.

he continued finding the other and now he was panicking.

"Jungkook!! seriously you got taehyung?.... i mean are you for real?? you choosed Taehyung over Jimin" a random girl who was known for gossips and spreading rumors.

"excuse me .. i guess you have a misunderstanding!" he said and the other just fake frowned.

"WHAT??.. but just some moments ago Taehyung told us that you both are in a relationship?" she stated and Jungkook looked at her in utter shocked.

"i-i have to go i'll talk later!" he exclaimed and left from there . s
he was fuming in pure anger.

he just asked one thing for Taehyung to do .. but what he did? he didn't even respect his decision which was beneficial for his own good!.. and most importantly he didn't wanted Jimin to know he is now angry as fuck .

he agreed to marry Taehyung for him so he thinks can't he just keep a single secret? it not like Jungkook asked him something too big.

if only he knew why the other did it ..


have a good day/night


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