Prompt 2

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Hello fellow OhmNanon readers. 🤗 Here's another OhmNanon AU prompt called Fears Unveiled.

I swear my mind just throws in ideas of storylines but I'm lazy when it comes to writing. 

Anyways enjoy!!


Fears Unveiled

Chuckles and laughter were heard across the dorm room as the two boys argued over the appropriate solution to the maths problem.

‘- but I’m only saying the method is wrong, not the answ--’ Ohm halted in his statement as he eyed Nanon, his face softening with a hint of sadness.

The boy next to him only crocked his eyebrows in question at the sudden change of his facial expression.

‘What?’ Nanon asked, ‘is there something on my --’ running his hand through his face, he felt wetness trailing down from his nose, ‘- face ’. He bit the insides of his mouth as he saw the red thick liquid on his fingers.

He felt his throat dry up and his mouth leaving a distasteful taste.

He wiped the blood with the back of his hand and refocused his attention on the books and papers in front of him.

They were to begin their exams in a few weeks to come and he needed to be in his A-game.

‘Hey -’ in his softest voice that Nanon had come to be familiar with, he heard Ohm call him.

But in that voice he also felt a glint of pity. He hated that. How Ohm pitied him, how his close friends and family pitied him.

It was only intellectual overexcitabilites he was suffering from, it’s not like he was dying.

‘Can we just focus on the problem?’ He simply stated softly.

He didn't want to dwell on it, and knowing how Ohm was eyeing him, he knew if he didn't end the conversation he would push until he got what he wanted, geez! It was a simple nosebleed.

He continued, ‘I tried using this method because I saw it off in one of the tutorial videos on YouTube. I don't know but I think it's more simple and effective’, he stated adding more to his defence prior to their argument before.

Nanon bent down avoiding Ohm's confronting demeanour and started writing down the next advanced maths problem to solve.

In his intended motive to avoid anything related to his now current situation that seemed to have peeked Ohm's interest than the initial one, Nanon failed to feel the oncoming liquid at the back of his throat before red droplets stained his notebook,

‘Shit’ cursing, he held his nose in his hands before he abruptly stood up, rushing to the bathroom, Ohm trailing behind him.

‘Are you okay?’ Ohm asked as he watched Nanon wash away the now bleeding nose.

He didn't receive any response, not that he was expecting it.

In the amount of time he had spent with him, Ohm was now used to Nanon doing this, avoiding every talk about sensitive issues that were related to him.

Ohm sighed, handing over the towel to Nanon once the bleeding stopped.
‘You need to stop straining yourself’ perhaps it was not the best idea to touch on this topic but he had decided they were going to have this discussion even if it meant tying Nanon down to a chair.

Ohm didn't fail to notice the hardened warning glare Nanon threw his way or how his body shifted uncomfortably, cringing in the process.

Pretending not to see Ohm continued, ‘the doctors told you, the more you use your high IQ is the more you are one step closer to hurting yourself and I really don’t want to see you fall over the edge’

Nanon passed him going back to sit in the same position as before and flipped through the next page of the textbook, zoning out whatever Ohm had to say,

‘Can you just stop for one second and listen to me’ he only saw his pen and books being snatched away from him forcing him to redirect his attention to Ohm.

Nanon clenched open and close his hands in fists, trying to control the brewing outburst inside of him.

He knew Ohm cared immensely about him. Ever since they got together, that's all he had been doing, taking care of him.

Nanon didn't want to listen to the thoughts at the back of his mind that once in a while visited to torment him, he didn't want to fall another inch deeper into his insecurities but he couldn't help but wonder if he was any burden to Ohm or to their relationship.

How was he to compete with him if he could not excessively use his brain? How was he to be the top student if he was not to use his intelligence to its full capacity? He looked towards the boy that had captivated his heart not so long ago.

Ohm was staring at him, his face full of sadness and concern, not failing to make Nanon feel guilty for how he was being a coward.

‘I don't want to listen!!’ Nanon shouted back at him, his voice on the verge of crying out.

He was tired of being strong, of trying to hang in there, tired of pretending that this whole issue wasn't exhausting him.

He was tired of it all, the constant need to pass, the pills, the symptoms reminding him every minute of the day what he stood to lose, the ongoing trips to the hospital, the tests they ran, he was tired.

Tears welled up in his eyes, 'just this once' he thought, 'just this once I will allow you to see me like this' and so he let them fall.

‘I want to be a good student’ his voice lower but audible to Ohm’s ears, he began, chewing his lower lip as it trembled, ‘I want to read and study like before, I want to pass my exams, I want to maintain and keep my GPA, I want to be competitive with you, I want to be able to make it to my one and only choice of University – I-I want - I just -’ he couldn't breathe, he kept trying to hold in his loud cries that could burst at any moment now.

Nanon began slightly beating around his chest, trying to calm himself down.

The pain in his voice pierced through Ohm.

The moment he rushed to hold him in his arms, Nanon busted out crying, falling down to his knees on the floor as they hugged each other.

Grabbing and running his hands at the back of Nanon's, the only words he could utter out in that moment, ‘It’s okay, I am right here’ he himself sniffed, taking in the smell of Nanon's strawberry hair shampoo, ‘I am here and am not leaving okay’

‘I just want to be normal Ohm’ Nanon stated as he hugged back Ohm tightly.

‘We will get through this’ Ohm assured him as he briefly cut the hug to look at the now teary stained face of his boyfriend, ‘Do you hear me? You will be fine,’ he said, wiping those tears away and pushing back the strands of hairs covering Nanon's forehead.

He kissed his temple and hugged him once more.


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