Chapter Fifteen

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'In prosperity it is very easy to find a friend; but in adversity it is most difficult of all things.'

-Epictetus, Fragments


"Well," Naruto said, "it means something."

"You don't say," Kurama replied sarcastically, tails slashing from side to side. Naruto had gotten quite good at reading Kurama's moods by the slightest twitch of a single one of their nine tails, but he didn't need to be an expert to see how frustrated they were. "The gods are cryptic bastards at the best of times," Kurama muttered, more to themself than to Naruto. "But the Shinigami is the worst."

"I mean, we got somethin' we didn't have before." Naruto offered then sighed, sitting down. He turned back up to Kurama. "Are ya sure Mito's dead?" He asked.

"She did not survive my extraction," Kurama confirmed. "It is possible for a Jinchūriki to survive the extraction under the right circumstances, but she was old and weak. She had more years left in her, but Konoha wanted a weapon of war, not an old woman."

"Then what did she mean, she wouldn't 'rest' until she fixed her mistake?" Naruto asked, frustrated. "How do we know she was even talking 'bout Jinchūriki?"

Kurama's tails stilled for a moment and Naruto frowned. "Kurama," he said slowly, "Mito was the first Jinchūriki, right?"

"There were similar practices, still Mito was the first," Kurama said after a moment, "But I will speak no more of it."

Naruto nodded, even as his mind spun. "Thas' fine," he said. "But if Mito's mistake wasn't makin' Jinchūriki, maybe it was sealing you and helpin' the Shodaime hunt down and seal your siblings? Thas' a real big mistake to make."

"She never once expressed any regret to me," Kurama said bitterly.

"Maybe it's hard to talk about your mistakes." He offered.

"I will never forgive her," Kurama said darkly.

"And I'm not asking ya to," Naruto told them. "Even if someone apologises ya don't have to forget what they did. That's your choice."

He'd never forgive Konoha for what they did to him.

Kurama was silent for a long moment. "I have never met a human quite like you before," they said, finally. Naruto smiled.

"Awww," he gushed, "You love me!"

"No," They countered, "Loving a human– that will never happen."

Naruto looked at his friend with scarlet fur and chakra like fire, and could only smile.


Naruto tried to ask Kurama about learning to use chakra, but as a living chakra entity Kurama had no concept of a human's perspective of chakra use so they were of little use in the matter.

When the instructor wasn't looking and they were on break he steals an academy textbook.

He reads through it, nervous, he can feel his ANBU watchers staring at him.

Tentatively he copies the hand signs shown in the book.

It takes a few hours but when he finally sees violet-blue chakra pour from his fingertips, peels back his lips revealing sharp teeth, and grins.


Sorry for the short chapter. And for taking longer to post then usual. Even with spring break I've been busy lately.

Anyway, you're looking good today. 

I know you're in pajama's and aren't wearing makeup.  Still look good tho ;)

 Remember you are loved and appreciated

Have a good day/night faeries ♥♥♥

Disclaimer (why do I still do these?):

I do NOT own the Naruto series(clearly), it belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. I own only my original characters and the plot.

Blood of the Broken, Scars of the Spiral (there are whirlpools in our veins)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara