( Jack's POV)
I was starting to worry, I couldn't find Faith. She wasn't anywhere in the house. We wherent aloud in Aaron's parents bedroom I didn't look in there. I thought "what if she only wanted to come to do stuff with the other boys.
(Faith's POV)
I pulled away because I didn't really "like like" Taylor. When I got out of there bedroom I when to the bathroom. In the middle of me pissing I heard yelling and screaming. I thought I should go check it out. When I finished I walked down the stairs seeming Matt near the stairs a asked him "what the fuck happen or what is happing right now."
Jack G is fighting with someone.
Idk he when looking for someone.
I started thinking he when to go find another girl so I stayed where the fighting was. I when over to to the fight and pushed threw the crowed saying "move" "BEEP BEEP" "move the fuck out of my way" when I got to Jack G. I got over to him and he was fighting with the guy I saw checking me out at the smoothie place! I tried breaking the fight up but it wasn't working. So I jumped in front of Jack G right when the smoothie guy was throwing a punch. The punch knocked me to the ground. Jack J came running into the room. I was laying on the ground and do was Jack g. I said to Jack G
Why did you fight him
Because he said he will hurt you and Jack if I didn't give him "the money"
What money?
I got up and looked around. I saw Jack punching that man for what he did to me and Jack. I closed my eyes and wished I wasn't alive.
20 mintues later
(Faith's POV)
I was finally over at Jack J house. I was pulling my hair back getting ready for bed. I kept looking at my eye. It was black and ugly. When I was done I crawled in bed with Jack j. He wrapped his arms around me. He told me you still look beautiful with your black eye. He kissed me on the head. He fell asleep. I kept watching titanic. When I was about to go to sleep I heard the door bell ring.
Cliff hanger! The next chapter is probley gonna be the most juicyest part in the book for the action packed lovers💗

Bullied macgon
Teen FictionYou think you know the past about macgon well think again