Leo watched Mistytail disappear into the dark. Great, now what? He had more questions than answers, which was really annoying if he was being honest. He wanted to shout Mistytail's name and tell her to come back and answer all of his questions. If all dead cats were like that, then he hated his life.
And he had a famous ancestor who lived in LightningClan-no, wait, ThunderClan, too? Last he knew, he and his parents and grandparents were all house cats-kittypets.
And last but not least, he was going to save the forest?!? Out of every other cat in the forest, why was he chosen? At least he had two other cats to help him, although he wasn't sure how helpful they were going to be.
Leo was too busy with his thoughts to notice Mistytail coming back, this time with another cat. Mistytail's face was filled with annoyance, and the other cat looked slightly guilty and excited at the same time. He assumed they had a disagreement about something not too long ago.
The other cat was a white calico she-cat with brown and black splotches on her pelt and green eyes.
" Leo, I would like you to meet Sorrel," Mistytail meowed. "She is one of the three cats that will rebuild the clans." Immediately, Leo's ears perked up. He was worried that he would have to look for the other two cats himself, but now that he knew the second one, the third one would be easy. At least, he hoped.
" Hello," Sorrel said. " Nice to meet you, Leo." Leo nodded.
" Same to you, Sorrel," He said back. If he was going to be stuck with her and another cat for the rest of his life, he might as well get along with them. And he didn't exactly want to destroy the forest either. Sorrel apparently thought the same thing, because she said, "I hope we will be able to rebuild the clans and not destroy it.", which to Leo's ears sounded like I hope we will be able to get along and not kill each other and set the whole forest on fire!
"Alright, enough chit chatting, you two can talk another time," Mistytail suddenly snapped, apparently still annoyed with whatever happened between her and Sorrel. " I'm having trouble finding the third cat and I'm hoping you two can get along and find the third cat." That didn't sound like a suggestion but an order.
" Yes, m'am," Leo said, rolling his eyes. Even though Mistytail was dead and older than both of them, why did that mean she got to boss them around? Leo had always believed the youngest cats should be giving the orders instead because their brains would still be working properly. He realized that Sorrel hadn't snapped back to Mistytail's order, which meant that he probably shouldn't have either.
" I do not appreciate your tone, Mr. Leo," Mistytail growled. "If you don't want my help, fine. See what you can do without my help." And Mistytail marched away into the darkness.
" Great, now look at what you've done!" Sorrel bursted out. "You ruined our chances of getting clues about where and who the third cat could be! I'm sorry, but maybe next time, think before you speak?"
Leo hadn't realized how upset he had made Sorrel. He also didn't realize how he had ruined their chances of getting any help. He felt terrible.
" I...I'm sorry," Leo muttered. "I should have thought before I said anything." To his surprise, Sorrel smiled.
" It's alright, Leo," Sorrel meowed. " We can figure it out together." Together. That word didn't seem to exist in Leo's book of commonly used words. He was always used to taking care of himself and being by himself, not with another cat.
" Yeah..." Leo said. " So, what should we do?"
" I say we wait for dawn and begin looking," Sorrel suggested. "And maybe if we give her enough time to cool down, Mistytail might come back and help us."
" Good idea," Leo agreed. " Let's get some rest then." Sorrel nodded in agreement and she laid down on the grass in the clearing. Soon enough, she was fast asleep, breathing softly. Leo curled next to her and he closed his eyes.

The First Clan
FanfictionIn this AU, warriors began to leave their clans for life as a kittypet or a loner and since so many cats left, the clans were no longer around. Clans were soon forgotten and they seemed like they never existed in the forest. Until now... Leo is a l...