Requested by woopdiedo☁️Fluff
🥀AngstReaders Note:
Hi theree my Honeys tysm for reading my Oneshots ❤︎❤︎
Anyways let's get going!!!Summary:
You are training as a Trainee for the
VSF (Virtual Special Forces) to become an officer, Sonny grows to have feelings for you when he noticed you getting worse at training...Short Summary let's goo POOOG!!!
When started to train to become a VSF officer, you didn't have that nice people to train with.
It was always that they were making fun of you for not being a full on Man or when you had trouble doing a task they were teasing you about it. At first ot wasn't a big deal for you, but then they started to not only try to hurt you mentally but now tu hurt you physically.
You thought to youself 'it's not rthat big of a deal, I can take it'.
Thex would always set up traps in you obstaclecourses like put little spikes where you were suposed to step, but you thpugh you could just shrug it off like it was nothing. You kept trying to ignor it but tjey were getting mor and more dangerous over time. But then you got you first bruises from them,they did actually hurt you, but you didn't wamt to tell that Sonny because first you didn't want to bother him and second you didn't want to mess up their carrier because it was a rlly hard job and it was still crazy for you that you came this far already but they did as well.
When you wanted to walk home they pulled you in an alleyway once and beat you up. You got bruises that would stay for weaks and they were getting rlly painful.Sonny never was there when you were training there, but he noticed that you were the best one in the trainee team, until of course you started to get harmed which Sonny still didn't know but noticed you getting worse, from the reports of you than he got from his co-workers so he decided to ask you come into his office to ask what was going on.
Time skip next day at Sonnys office
You were wondering why you were getting called there, you hoped you you didn't mess up something or even worse failed.
When you knocked his lovely voice said
"Come in it's open" so you opened the door and stepped in still stanging in the room until Sonny asked you to sit down, so you did.
He sighed "Y/N I have noticed that when we were startimg the training, you were the best out of all of you, but now you are getting worse. Is anything going on with you at home or something?" You decided not to tell him the reason "Yeah uh-h hm, my grandma died 2 weaks ago" you said rlly unsure. "I will try to train harder again sir" you said. "Ok I'm hoping that, because you are rlly a strong person Y/N you can do this" he said while walking around his office desk towards Y/N. He patted them on the shoulder where they flinched because tjey had quite the big bruise there, which you couldn't see tho. He of course noticed that but didn't ask any further questions, bit to ask his friend Uki because he was the Psychic.
"Ok Y/N you can go now and continue you training" Sonny said "Ok Sir" tthey stood up and walned towards the door to walk out.
You continued you training to get better again, but everythimg still hurted very bad.
Sonny watches you for the day to be more sure that you were ok bit he noticed you're not so he went to UkiTime skip to the evening when Sonny was with Uki
"Hey Uki I have one question" "Hey Sonny what is it?" "Can you see what is wrong with my trainee Y/N, they are acting rlly weird and at training they are gettimg worse" "Well ok let me see".
✯Uki sees into his crystal ball to see whats wrong✯
🔗=Sonny🔗"What did you see?" Sonny Asked
🔮"Oh are you sure that you want to know?"
🔗"Yes, of corse I do"
🔮"Well ok, their co-trainees are hurting them verbally and physically, they beat them up once in a alley way after training"
🔗"that's why the flinched when I pat them on their shoulder they must have serios bruises, shit why didn't I notice that"
🔮Uki comforted his by saying "Sonny it's not your fault"
🔗"Of corse it is I should have noticed"
🔮"Sonny don't blame yourself"
🔗" I will talk to them tomorrow and kick the trainees out that hurt them"
🔮"Is it possible that you may have a crush on them?"
🔗He thought of it for a second 'wait do I? Do I actually have a crush on them?'
🔗"Yah, I think I actually do"
🔮"that's rlly nice isn't? Rlly caring for one spacific Person"
🔗"I will help them out of this miserable situation and protect them"
🔮"very well then tomorrow will be a good day"
🔗"Yes"Time skip to tomorrow
When you were in the changing room Sonny walked in and saw you torse full of bruises, he felt rlly bad and walked in where you got scared for a second. Sonny walked direkly towards you to ask you once more why you had you whoöe body full of bruises. You started to cry and told him everything that happend while he held you close to him hugging you and carefully rubbing for back so it won't hurt.
"Why didn't you tell me when I aked you yesterday?" You quitely said "I didn't want to bother you or mess the others up".
He kept comforting you by hugging you which you did too. He then pulled you on his lab so you could look into his eyes which were dreamy you though. He started to kiss you which you then did too it was grtting heated but a few minutes later you broke it for air.
You finished dressing yourself (you only had pant on for the time you both did that).
After that you both went to the other trainees to ask them if they did it of corse they denied it at first, but thrn they gave in. Donny told the that they are going to get expekled from the training and are not going to join the VSF.
Sonny was now going to walk or drive you home everyday and watch you while training.
You both held a healthy relationship and you recoverd from the damage.Word count: 1127
This was very fun to write Ty for the request❤︎
Bye Honeys ❤︎

𝐋𝐮𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐦 & 𝐍𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐲𝐱 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬
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