Chapter 6-The Encounter (Part 2)

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Disclaimer: This story is somewhat based on USA 2002 in 1942

Authors Note: Japan and Germany are closer allies than normal, so please do not yell at me if I got history wrong, this is just how the butterfly effect works when the USA destroyed the 1st carrier division in the Pearl Habor attack and when they won Pearl Habor which did not happen so WW2 will diverge from our history. Also, I am really bad at accents, you can correct me if you want.


December 17, 1941, (Sometime after Chūichi Nagumo death)

On Nagato

 3rd Person:

Admiral Yamamoto looking at the map of his plan, he wanted to being glory to Japan and bring America decisively out of the war, and with this plan of knocking out the Americans pacific fleet he thought he could get it, but he also knew that it could completely backfire, make the USA declare war on them and ultimately destroyed them as they could not possibly win against the USA.

"Admerial Yamamoto" an officer said bowing to show respect.

"Yes, Officer" Yamamoto said, giving an officer a questioning look.

"Battle report from the destroyer Sazanami" the officer said, this gave Yamamoto hopes that he did it, putting glory into the Japanese name, but he calm himself down knowing that it could still backfire and even though it confused Yamamoto that a destroyer gave the Battle report and not Akagi, he still thought the report was that they knocked America out from Japanese interested, he didn't expect what was next.

"The Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, Hiryu, Shokaku, and Zuikaku were all sunk, along were all of the battleships sunk, all of the cruisers sunk, all but 3 destroyers sunk," said the Officer nervously, "The attack was a total failure, none of the aircraft hit Pearl Habor, if they did, they did not report back", Yamamoto was shocked, even though he knew that his plan could backfire, it was a surprise attack and even if the Americans knew they would be coming, they should still win, also if the Americans did destroy the first and 2nd wave, they should not be able to destroy all 6 carriers, and even if the American somehow got through and did destroy all 6 carrier, the battleships, cruisers and even most of the destroyers should have survive and not just 3 destroyers, something didn't add up, but either way, the victory Yamamoto hoped for was now the worse defeat in Japanese history.

"How was that possible, it was a surprise attack and we had hundreds of aircraft, the Americans could not defeat that, much less the entire 1st carrier division" Yamamoto said completely not believing it.

"The report said that they were attack by light weapons, we do not know who exactly fired them however the report strongly agree that it was somehow the Americans, we also think that these light weapons are rockets," said the officer.

"Then how..." Yamamoto was cut off when another officer went into the room.

"Admerial Yamamoto" the officer bowed to his commanding officer.

"What is it officer" Yamamoto said.

"It is a message from our allies the Germans" the officer said.

"What does it say" Yamamoto said with a raised eyebrow.

"The Germans are helping us defeat the USA saying that it is also a threat to their plans too" the officer said.

"What do they have in mind" Yamamoto said

December 17, 1941(After America down a whole flight of German Bombers)

Berlin, Germany

3rd person:

In a building in Berlin, there was a man with a silly mustache getting frustrated on trying to create a plan to invaded Britain, and although the Führer loss the first battle ever with Britain, he still wanted to invade the British isles, but now he was more focus on operation Barbarossa, right now he got pushed back from Moscow and all other areas of the front because of winter, which is over now and he started to plan a new offensive, he knew he should not get cocky as he saw what happen to the Japanese when they try to do a surprise attack at Pearl Harbor.

"Führer" said an officer who gave Hitler a saluting pose.

"Yes, officer" Hitler said, "why are you here"

"Führer, the Japanese message has arrived, they had accepted the plan," said the officer. 

"Good" said Hitler laughing in an evil way, "The Americans will never see it coming".

December 17, 1941, 10:00 pm

Moscow, USSR

3rd Person:

"Leader, leader" said a man, he was dress in a general outfit, he was one of the generals in the USSR, and he got that position by being close friends with Stalin, he was not experienced though as Stalin valued people who would not betray him than professionals.

"What is it general, and it must be important, or I will send you to the gulag" Stalin said angrily as the general force him to wake up from his sleep.

"The American declared war on Japan and Germany declare war on the Americans, making them our allies" said the officer nervously hoping not to get throw to the gulag by his leader, however Stalin just laughed.

"This is great, now I can get what I want in Europe without wasting more resources" said Stalin, "When the Americans distract Germany we will go in and take Berlin, making us the glorious saviors, rather than America"

"So, leader what should we do" the officer said to Stalin

"We make a plan, and with America as a distraction, we can us this to get more land for the motherland," said Stalin smiling in a wicked way.

December 17, 1941, 12:30 am

London, Great Britain

3rd Person:

"Wait you are from the future!" said Churchill shocked.

"Yes, we are" said the American ambassador, right now the ambassador and the Prime Minister of the British empire were discussing secretive and classified information which only Churchill could know by the US government.

"So that is how you got all of those strange airplanes with no propellers or the aircraft with propellers on top of the aircraft," said Churchill

"They are called jets and helicopters and yes it explains how we have them" says the ambassador looking at his watch, "However I would not be able to explain anymore as the meeting is going to be starting," the ambassador said. Churchill just nodded and follow the ambassador to the room in which they were going to sign a treaty together.

In the treaty, the Americans were going to produce a lot of equipment, and supplies for Britain however of it was WW2 technology only, Churchill knew why the Americans did this, it was for them to keep the technological advantage, but they did give the British the tanks that was not supposed to be design till late in the war. But the biggest advantage was that they were going to provide information on the Germans for them, this was crucial as Churchill knows that they were from the future meaning they knew how the war went, and they were going to provide the main escorts for conveys and were going to use their advanced ships and aircraft to sink all of the U-boats trying to hunt for shipping.

After the treaty was signed, the Americans went back to their ship to sail home.

"Do you think we are going to win the war Churchill," said the radio operator.

"I know so," said Churchill. 


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