Chapter 1

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There was Aki, laying against the wall, dead.

There was a woman perched to her side, who seemed she would crumble from a small, delicate touch. There were at least seven more people who laid limp in the fairly large room, but Yuta didn't pay much mind to them. If the pair didn't notice the smell before, they most certainly did now. It was a revolting, rotten smell, it stained the entirety of the room and now into their souls.

Every step taken felt like poison, as Yuta's knees shook from disbelief. Tears began to burst from her eyes unwillingly, as she stood in front of her deceased sibling. Her knees finally gave out, as she gripped onto Aki's shoulders, desperation shone in her eyes. She was searching for something, anything, to give her reassurance that Aki was still in fact alive. After finding no life behind dull eyes, Yuta finally reached her breaking point. She pressed her palms against Aki's shoulder blades harsher than intended, pulled the limp body towards her chest, and screamed in pure agony. Yuta's eyes squinted from the strong sting of tears gushing down her stained cheeks, her jaw on the verge of unhinging as she let out ungodly cries for her fallen sister. Greg winced from the pitch but stood aside respectively, eyes pricked with unwanted tears. He could hear the stupid voice start to chime in, as Greg failed to block it out.

"Damn, look at all of this homophobia."

Oh, Greg shouldn't laugh at that. Greg mentally apologised for Yuta's reasonable reaction to death and grief, and quietly coughed to himself, a lousy way to cover a giggle – he felt disgusting for laughing in such situation. Once Greg zoned back into the situation, he noticed the snotty-faced Yuta slobbering all over the dead corpse, dried blood and the smell of death sunk deeper into her skin and clothes. Greg frowned, as he placed a tender palm onto Yuta's shoulder.

"I know this is hard for you, but please don't rub all over her. That can't be healthy." Greg informed Yuta, as he cringed. He doesn't know how to look after others whilst under pressure.

Yuta whined and stuffed her face into the dried-oily scalp of Aki before she withdrew.

"Sorry." Yuta, for some reason, had apologised.

"Don't apologise, I've been through this shit too. It's not fun, but you'll get through it. I know you will." Greg tried to reassure her, as he offered a smile as a way of comfort.

It seemed his way of comfort indeed worked, as Yuta tried to throw a smile of her own. The way her nose wrinkled the wrong way, as snot began to run down her churned lips. The way her red, puffy eyes had tried their hardest to seem its brightest, as the build-up of grieving tears completely contrasted the expression. Even if her smile wasn't the prettiest, Greg wouldn't trade it for any other in the world.

"There she is." Greg arose his arms in a beckoning embrace, as he gave her a fond, emphatic expression. "Come here."

The bundle of tears ran down her face, as she rushed towards Greg's right shoulder for comfort. She stuffed her face in the crook of his neck, as she jumped and wrapped her legs around Greg's waist. Greg was taken aback from the sudden weight and placed his palms onto Yuta's thighs as support. They removed themselves from the sickening room and made their way outside, settling on the small staircase just outside the front door.

"What am I going to do now? She meant everything to me..." Yuta sobbed, her voice lost within Greg's shoulder.

"Yeah..." Greg began, however didn't know how to reply. 'I wonder how she died.'

"I know how she died-"

'Shut it, dickhead. I don't want to hear your sickening lies.' Greg spat, as he continued to caress Yuta's trembling form.

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