Intruder Alert

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The three intruders walk into sight, and out the fog. They all seemed to be in their 40s, definitely perverted, and all wearing dark clothing as to hide their things. Only 2 seemed armed: .50 calibre pistols.

Intruder: "Listen here, boys. I don't care what the hell is goin' on, but we require those girls now."

Phil: "You know, we would, but at the same time, we won't."

Intruder 2: "Hmm, so you think your tough huh?"

Phil: "I'm not."

Intruder 3 takes out his pistol and fires it on the roof.

Intruder 3: "On ze groun' now, ya sons a' bitches!"

Everyone gets on the ground, but the men pick up the girls that they want: Intruder 1 with Chica, Intruder 2 with Mangle, and Intruder 3 with Foxy.

Intruder 2: "Can we f—k them now, man?"

Intruder: "There are people here, dude. No."

Intruder 2: "Dude, we have the perfect opportunity, and besides nobody will know except for these 3 guys and another gal."

"And us, you dingus!"

The 3 men look towards the voice, and sees Carl, with Bonnie next to him.

Carl: "I'll say one thing and one thing only. Drop the girls, NOW."

Intruder 3: "And whut are yeh to say about it? I vill f—k zis' woman if I could right now!"

Carl: (Cracks knuckles) "I may not have a weapon.."

Bonnie picks up Carl.

"But I have worse."

Bonnie: "Have at it, darling."

With immense speed Bonnie throws Carl at the third Intruder feet first and breaks his jawline like hell. In an x-ray, his jaw bones are basically pudding right now and he's missing a few teeth.

Intruder 3: "Meh jawline iz broken, comrades! Zis is not happuning!"

Intruder: "Oh this is a fighter right here."

Intruder 2 takes out his pistol and fires it 3 times at Carl, who dodges 2 bullets but gets hit in the chest by the third. He winced badly, but Jack helps him steady. Phil grabs a few knives from his pocket and throws them at the second intruder. In an X-Ray again, the first knife has dug itself under the skin of the arm, almost piercing through it. The other 2 have been embedded in the leg and the side of his face. Let's just say, one of the intruder's knee is broken and the other can not hear from his left ear.

Intruder 2: "ARGH! God, my knee!"

Intruder 3: "Zis ends now!"

Intruder 3 pulls out a revolver from his backpack and fires it at Carl and Phil. Carl got shot in his chest again, not entirely piercing through but it still dealt some damage. Phil got shot in his leg.

Phil: "My damn leg!"

Foxy: "I've had enough. I ripped off a dick, a piece of his chest shouldn't be different either!"

Foxy implanted her hook into the chest of the first dude, merely ripping out flesh. This of course causes him to scream in pain, and Carl took him and the other intruder outside. He then threw them in the dumpster, and went inside to see the third intruder holding gunpoint at Jack.

Intruder 3: "Zis is how you play, eh? Well, I say one thing: Drop ze weapun or Zis man dies."

Jack: "Help me.."

Oswald: "Carl, do something!"

Intruder 3: "Quiet, you babbling bafoon!"

Phil: "I got to say, you are fierce, mister."

Intruder 3: "Thanks, but I need girl, not complimunts."

Phil: "Unfortunately that hid something with Jack."

Intruder 3 was then smashed in the nuts and back-kicked onto a table. Jack was freed, and cracked his knuckles. If you ever so remember, Jack is a master in fighting. For scenario, he can break someone's jaw with one swift hook of a punch.

Intruder 3: "AH, F—K!"

Jack: "That's what happens if you mess with me."

Intruder 3: "Sign language, eh? Well, try to do it when you got your arms broken!"

Intruder 3 tried to land a punch, but was knocked out cold by Carl, to which he held a bat in his hands. Carl was losing blood but adrenaline was pumping through this dude like a god damn pipeline. Carl threw him outside, and once the pain was over, the men cheered, along with the girls who had been freed. All but Carl, who stood there, motionless, and back facing towards them.

Bonnie: "I'm so glad everyone's okay!"

Jack: "Thank god, I thought I almost lost you two!"

Freda: "What a brave charming man.~"

Phil: "Uh.."

Chica: "Oswald, I still love you."

Oswald: "I should have been braver, Chica."

Chica: "It's alright, your still my man.~"

Foxy: "Aye, we be saved! This ain't be the first time, but we hope it be the last!"

Bonnie: "Hey Carl! You did great! C'mere and redeem your kisses!"

Carl: "..."

Bonnie: "Carl...?

Oswald: "You okay, buddy?"

The whole room went silent, and stared at Carl. His back was facing them, and all they heard, was a few drops of blood hitting the ground, in a slow pattern, as Carl slowly swayed from side to side. After a few drops fell, they watched in horror as Carl fell over to the ground from blood loss. He laid there, shaking a bit, before the shakiness ended.


Bonnie ran to his side and tried to wake up him up, but it was no use. He was unconscious and almost dead from blood loss. There was nothing to do but watch as the faint ambulance sirens and police sirens were outside..

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