Part 23

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um. . .


(OKOK IM SO SORRY ITS BEEN WAHT LIKE 3 MONTHS?! ive just been putting this off cause motivation is hard to come by, but im back baby! so enjoy this little bit of story while i try and figure out what im going to do


Ooo OOoOoO idea: what about a QnA? but for the author (me)? if you want to ask any (appropriate) questions about myself, then leave them at the end of this chapter and next part will be the QnA answers!

love yall <3 )

After a week or so, Ranboo had seen Dr. Soot acting. . .unusual.

Of course, Ranboo didn't mind at all, the way Dr. Soot now stopped by every few days to check on him, or to ask him questions about what he enjoyed doing. Niki had noticed as well, remarking at stuff like how Dr. Soot had eased up a little, although he was clearly trying to hide it. 

One time, Ranboo had actually commented on it, when Dr. Soot had come. 

"Hmm? Wh-What do you mean?" The doctor asked and readjusted his glasses. 

"I meant like, you've been acting differently than normal... Like checking up on the other SCPs, including me. I was just wondering if you are, like, okay or something, you know, like. . ." Ranboo trailed off, fidgeting with his gloves.  Ranboo remembered Dr. Soot scoffing at him and telling Ranboo that he felt better than he had in a while. 

Ranboo was happy for him and didn't bother him about it again. Niki experienced almost the same things, never failing to tell Ranboo about what Dr. Soot had done that day that was not normal for him. Both of them wondered what had happened for this sudden change in mood. Ranboo never told Niki that he thought it might have been him, the day he had saved the doctor. 

The strange noises from outside his wall had changed from banging, to hissing, to cranking and back to banging over the weeks. Now, the noises had become scarcer and didn't wake him in his sleep anymore. 

Today, Ranboo wanted to continue working on walking around again, now that his cast was off. His leg had been numb the first few days and Niki had to massage it to get the blood flowing better. His tail weight was now fully off (finally, thank goodness), allowing him to balance correctly, which was very useful now, with him trying to walk again. 

He leaned against the wall for support, both hands gripping the soft padding, and edged along the wall. His tail stayed in the air, as if afloat. A sharp bang sounded from the other wall but he ignored it. Ranboo then put a little bit too much weight on his leg and winced. 

I wonder how long this will take. Hopefully not too long, I don't want to keep using the annoying wheelchair anymore. Even Niki's said once or twice that it's hard to maneuver it. Ranboo hoped it wasn't that bad for Niki to be pushing him around. 

This was why he'd started practicing walking around, or PT, as Niki had called it. He wanted to get up and about, also wanting to go visit Tubbo normally. Using the wheelchair, Ranboo couldn't go into the room, which meant not being able to feel the grass that was in there. 

His brain was holding onto the tiny piece of what grass felt like and he could tell it was slipping away quicker and quicker. His memories of lying in the field outside his cave were drifting off faster than Ranboo wanted, and he longed to just breathe in fresh air. He had even asked Dr. Soot about going outside, but the doctor had gone silent then changed the subject. 

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Ranboo made it to the corner of his room and sighed, slowly sitting down, trying not to put weight on his leg. His body relaxed as he settled down in the corner, thinking about Niki and how she would tell him that he would eventually have to put pressure on his leg so that his muscle could regain strength, then ramble on about how one of the other SCPs had done something stupid that day.

He grinned at the thought. He found few things that brought a smile to his face now, but Niki was one of them, along with seeing Tubbo and eating delicious strawberries. 

The door creaked opened and Ranboo started. Niki had come through and closed the door, the smell of his food accompanying her. Ha! What incredible timing. I must be adjusting to when food comes around. Or when Niki comes around. 

"Hey, Ranboo! How's your leg doing?" Niki asked as she set the plate next to him. On it was a special pancake that was colored with a hint of pink (again, made by George), some small tomatoes, a candy from Niki, and, to Ranboo's surprise, a glass of orange juice. He had asked if he could have some but didn't expect Dr. Soot to allow it. 

"Oh, it's doing ok, I guess. I walked along the wall just now," -he ripped off part of the pancake and stuffed it in his mouth-, "and it still kinda hurts when I try to stand fully on it." 

Niki sighed, sitting across from him. Ranboo found himself staring at her, watching the way she crossed her legs carefully underneath herself and unconsciously put her hair behind her ear, away from her eyes. He guessed that she was going to go into the rant he imagined.

 "Well, you still need to do it, even if you don't feel like it. Only way to get better." She chuckled then fell silent. She readjusted her coat. "I was talking to Phil today and he had talked to the SCP. I mean- I mean the Techno one."

Ranboo's ears pricked up at the name of the SCP who had almost wrecked the building. He often had flashes of memories in dreams of that day (his memories of running through the hallway, running from the giant creature behind him, too close, too close). He shifted closer to Niki and swung his tail gently toward her.

"We've recorded that Techno has these 'voices' in his head. When Phil talked to him today, Techno said that the voices had become too much that day and overtaken him. Techno had also said that he was extremely sorry for what happened. . to Quackity. . . " Niki trailed off, absentmindedly fluffing up Ranboo's tail.

Oh. Right. 

He had almost forgotten about the other agent. But now he remembered how, for the first few days, Niki wasn't herself. She had rarely visited, had curled in on herself a lot when she did, and stumbled between words more, often not speaking at all. She'd gotten better, but Ranboo wondered how long she had known Quackity. 

Niki started to braid a portion of Ranboo's tail. "I mean, I guess it's not his fault for that, with the voices and all, but it. . . it's hard, you know? And Sapnap and Karl have it even worse. . I don't know how to feel about it." 

Ranboo waited, then when she was silent for a moment, he reached out and patted her hand. "I think it's okay if you don't know yet. I- I haven't really gone through that before, but I think time is what you really need right now. To just. . .think. About things. Like- like yeah. Maybe." He pulled back.

Niki smiled up at him and nodded, casting her eyes back over to his tail. 

Silence followed like a blanket, folding over them both. Ranboo glanced over to realize that he had finished the rest of his meal without knowing and pushed the plate away. He wished he had said something better but he'd never experienced this situation before, nevertheless dealt with it. 

Another bang sounded and they both jumped. They looked at each other and Niki chuckled, then Ranboo, then laughing came, as if something had finally taken away the sadness and let them free. 

Ranboo hadn't had this feeling for a while. This feeling of. . .just like nothing else mattered except what was happening right now. Him and Niki here, laughing over something as meaningless as both of them getting startled. Like they could keep on going and the world would continue without them, taking their problems with it. It felt nice, not having to worry about anything.  

Finally, as much as Ranboo dreaded it and wanted to see Niki keep smiling, the chime of a bell came over the speaker, causing them to relax and quiet down. 

After a moment of hesitation, Niki got up and grabbed the empty plate and cup. "That's my cue to go. Wil set it up for today, saying it was important for staff members and all." 

Ranboo nodded, crestfallen. "All right." He twirled his tail back towards himself. "I'll see you later then?" 

Niki smiled once more, replying, "Of course. See you later!" 

He waved back to her as she hurried out the door, the metal lock clicking into place behind her. 

Alone again. Ranboo groaned softly. Why does she always have to leave when things are going so well? Does Dr. Soot not want us together so much? Is that another weird thing that he's doing now? Is it because of me? I dearly hope not.

He heard a click from above, glanced up, and the darts fell. He gasped. 

Then the floor came up to meet him.

EY YO hope you liked it!! Take care of yourself please im begging you <3 ))

a meme for y'all vvvvvvv

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