Author's Note

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Howdy dear readers,

I made this fanfiction a while back so I apologize about the lack of updates. I am thinking of adding more to this story since I did have an entire timeline for it. I've been reading your comments and they make me extremely happy. I've been writing fanfics since I was 11 and my favorite part about writing is getting to hear from my readers. I understand some people may find fanfictions a silly genre but I enjoy it and think its a valid form of writing. It brings people together and its actually a helpful way to critique your writing. I wanted to write this update to give a bit of background that this story is a little old. I will give an update on when a new chapter will be released. I'm currently writing a Bruce Banner fanfiction that I may post soon on here so the next chapter will be a little. I appreciate your support. Your existence is appreciated.


The author

My Brave Knight (Barley Lightfoot x OC)Where stories live. Discover now