It started like any other normal summer. Making a packing list in July about the big vacation in August. Making my bags two weeks early, making sure that everything is perfect and ready like getting my hair done, getting all my outfits organized, and everything in between.
I thought this was going to be like any other summer vacation but I was completely wrong.
This summer changed everything and helped me realize the truth about myself and the world and people that we live among.Oceana Walsh, they call me, well most of the time its Osh, weird I know.
I grew up in a small town with my mum and sister and my only friend and bests friend ever Lisa.I never really liked being a part of a big group of friends or in big groups of people because it always caused me discomfort but I always waited impassionedly for the big summer vacation with my family and a lot of close family friends but this summer was different. So much more different than I ever imagined.
Let me help you understand a little more of what am talking about. Every summer I go on a two-week vacation with some family friends that I've known my whole life.
It all started when our parents were in high school. Some of them met in science and some in math but no matter where they met, became friends, and then a big friend group that still holds up today 30 years later.
Some of them fell in love and others just stayed friends but that doesn't matter because they are still friends to this very day and that helped me form my friend group that I only see ones a year. Beside the point.Two days before the vacation and I finally started packing my bag for the vacation, which was odd for me because I always used to pack it a month in advance but this year something changed.
I wasn't really excited about the vacation. Everyone is older which means half of the fun was gone already.
There was not a chance that it would be like the old days when we were throwing mutt at each other in the backyard or playing with water balloons in the middle of the road and my favorite sleeping in the same room with everybody which means big messes and the best childhood memories I have ever created with all of them.One of the hobbies I picked up this year was doing nails, so decided to bring my nail stuff with me because we were attending a party and I wanted to make a dreamy and sparkly set.
The downside you ask; that meant an extra suitcase, mama wasn't happy about that so I got yelled at before even going.''mum- I paused whilst I waited annoyed for her to answer me -MAMA AM GONNA BRING AN EXTRA BAG OT THE TRIP, MUM'' I waited for some time and I finally heard yelling. I didn't understand what she was saying because she was at the other side of the room but I knew it was a no.
In the end I brought one and she didn't even notice.
The amount of anxiety I got from trying to sneak the suitcase in the car was astronomical.The stress of packing last minute and mum yelling at me made me forget some things so when we arrived two days later at nine in the morning after I was wakened up at six in the morning by my sister jumping on me and throwing my two cats in my face I was in a bad mood let's say that, but that changed pretty quick.
After all the family cars parked in the driveway outside of the main house, all the parents lined us all up after greeting eachother and said these exact words
''who's excited to stay alone for two weeks''. All the half-awakened teenagers looked at each other very much confused with a crease between their eyebrows, including me.Then our parents preceded to explain that they are going on an all-paid spa vacation out of the country, that the Wilson's won, one of the families on the vacation.
That meant they were going to leave us all alone for two weeks. At that point, you can see all of our faces the word happiness written in our eyes.
After a long lecture on what should be doing and whatnot, they told us to get our stuff out of the cars and get in the house. They also gave us a meal list and where to get everything.Before our parents left for good they did something that made it one of my favourite moments from that day.
Each parent gave their kid their credit card.
We all acted pretty calmly until we saw the last car getting out of the driveway. We all started screaming, jumping, and dancing from the happiness that we felt.
For some reason I was excited for this year's summer vacation again.

RomanceOceana Walsh's vacation started like any other year when it suddenly changed. After a year of not seeing one of her childhood best friends she realized it wasn't just a friendship. Even though everything wasn't perfect during the vacation a big sec...