Doing It All For Us - Part 6

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You felt the heat of the morning sun on your face. Looking out the window you could see the sun begin to rise. You stirred slightly in Rafe's arms as you sat up to look around the room.

Rafe was still asleep, his arm draped over your torso. You could feel a pain between your legs as you remembered the events of last night. A plethora of emotions ran through you. You had sex with him. Like what?

You slipped out of bed, careful not to wake him. You left your dress on the floor, slowly sliding open Rafe's dresser and grabbing a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers. You pulled them on quickly and tied your hair back. You had obviously gone to sleep with wet hair because the beach waves were prominent.

You went for his door but stopped yourself. "Shit," You whispered, realizing his whole family was probably home. You were not taking the walk of shame through the Cameron's house.

You bit your lip as you looked at his window. Rafe stirred in bed and you squeezed your eyes shut, praying he wouldn't wake up.

He didn't.

You made your way to the window and opened it. Glancing back at your sleeping boyfriend one more time before you climbed out the window and onto the roof.

There was a tree sitting perfectly outside his window for you to climb down. And this wasn't your first rodeo. You and Courtney became pros at sneaking out back in LA.

You slowly lowered yourself, branch by branch until your bare feet touched the grass below.

You took a deep breath and looked around, making sure no one was watching you.

When you were positive you were safe you took off running down the street towards Courtney's house.

"Court!" You yelled as you pounded on her door.

Her mom answered the door. "Y/N? Are you okay? It's 8am."

"Oh, hey Helena," You greeted. "I'm fine, I just need to see Court."

Helena was in her robe, coffee mug in hand. "She's in her room," she said as she waved you in. She was obviously hungover from Midsummers.

You ran up to Courtney's room and busted inside, slamming the door behind you.

"Courtney!" You hissed as you jumped on her sleeping form. "Courtney, get up!"

"What the fuck?" She hissed, trying to push you off her.

"Courtney, I need you!"

"Okay, chill!" She said as she rubbed her eyes and sat up slightly. "What the fuck is going on?!"

"Me and Rafe had sex!"

"Oh my God!" She was up now. "How was it?!"

"I don't know, like, totally amazing," You said as you sat back on your knees.

Courtney looked over at her clock. "Wait, why are you here? Did you not stay at his house?"

You bit your lip and let your head fall to your hands. "I snuck out his window this morning."

"Y/N, why?!"

"I don't know!" You said as you stood up and ran your fingers through your hair. "I got scared."

"Y/N, he's your boyfriend."

"I'm aware, bitch. I just need a fucking minute!"

"Okay, well, like, did he make you cum?" Courtney asks.

You bite your lip and smile. "Multiple times," You sit down beside her. "Court, his dick is huge, and his tongue, oh my god." You fall back on her bed.

"Does your pussy hurt?!" Courtney asks excitedly, laying down beside you.

Doing It All For Us (Rafe Cameron x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now