New Year's Fiesta 2022

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winning contest entry for the
❝New Year's Fiesta '22❞ contest

poetry category winner



I am alive, I am a breathing carcass and listlessly I wait
Fumbling for control, I've become a marionette of fate

Encaged by an ironic prison whose door always stands agape
Mocking and jeering for I lack the strength to escape

My frail body once bursting with vigor is now too unsound
My parchment skin has been inked with ugly bruises all around

Running through my veins, the poisons have taken their toll
Meant to cure me, yes, but they've consumed me whole

My head has become hairless, dark bags tug under my eyes
I resent mirrors for they reflect my kingdom in demise

Every night I crave her embrace, I wait for her tender touch
Sleep was once a dear friend, but now she doesn't visit much

And so I drag my numbered days along me on this deserted road
Sailing alone on an uncharted sea with no one else with me on board

They call me a warrior, a fighter, they give me labels of all kinds
But beneath all these accolades I know their pity hides

My turmoil inside boils and burns, but I don't ever let it show
I have crafted a peaceful visage, my misery they'll never know

These simpletons around me, they are all too gullible
I have them all fooled, their naivety is risible

But inside I'm crumbling, I'm hollowing within
Being gnawed perniciously right beneath my skin

My saviors stroll in and out, angels donned in their all white
Poking and piercing my skin, then my fate in cryptic words they write

At their mercy I lay, but they give me hope and a reason to smile
A daily ritual our tryst is that makes the needles worthwhile

In the distance I hear their chatter, in hushed tones they whisper my name
Deeming me unaware of my dismal fate, but I know it all the same

My days I spend smoldering away on my own reminiscing
With the clock ticking fast, every second now seems like a blessing

Unrealized dreams haunt all my nights, my fragile heart rends
But I find peace for one way or another, my misery soon ends

I try reasoning but the Universe's plans make no sense
I wonder if I'm a sinner, if this is my comeuppance

But everyone is a sinner, they're everywhere I see
Why am I condemned yet those sinners roam free?

If fate is an arbiter then it judges unfairly
It blesses some sinners, punishes others severely

But I still find some comfort in its unjust plans for me
For I have suffered too long, now I'll finally be free




The year though passed had left me its souvenir of debility
But in the new one I found hope, I saw possibility

I embraced the New Year and all the good omens it brought
My suffering gave way to the solace I'd long sought

For on New Year's Eve, my hopes finally saw fruition
As the angels in white told me I was in remission!

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