Chapter 7: Perspective

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Hope's POV:

When we land, we're in the middle of the road, on a busy street. My eyes widen as I spot the giant bus headed our way. "Back!" I scream, dragging my friends back onto the sidewalk. The bus just barely misses us. Once we've caught our breaths, Hermione leads us through the crowd. 

"Where are we?" Ron asks. "Shaftsbury Avenue. I used to come to the theatre here with mum and dad. I don't know why I thought of it. It just popped into my head." She tells us. "It's away from the Death Eaters so that's good enough for me." I assure her with a smile. "This way." 

She ushers us into an ally way. "We need to change." She hands me her bag and I hold it open for her, allowing her to reach deep into it since she put an undetectable extension charm on it. "How the ruddy..." Ron trails off, staring at the bag in awe. 

"Undetectable extension charm." She mutters, handing all of us different items of clothing. "You're amazing you are." Ron tells her. "Always the tone of surprise." She grins. Something falls over in the bag. "Ah, that'll be the books." 

I smile at her as she goes back to grabbing our spare clothes. Of course she would bring books on a mission like this. Once we all have the right clothes in hand, and for Hermione and me shoes, we go into a shop bathroom and change. Once dressed we head to a cafe down the street. 

"What about all the people at the wedding? Do you think we should go back?" Harry asks as we take a seat in a booth. "They're after you mate. We'd put everyone in danger by going back." Ron reminds him. "Ron's right." Hermione says. Suddenly someone clear their throat. 

We look up to see a waitress standing over us. "Coffee?" "A cappuccino please." Hermione answers. The girl nods and looks to Ron. "You?" "Uh, what she said." "Same." Harry and I say at the same time. She nods and walks back to the counter. 

"So where do you go from here? Leaky Cauldron?" "It's too dangerous." I say, thinking. "Hope's right. If Voldemort really has taken over the Ministry, then none of the old places are safe. Everyone from the wedding will have gone underground, into hiding." She explains. 

"God, my rucksack with all my things. I've left it at the Burrow." Harry groans. Hermione shakes her head and looks down at her bag. "You're joking." He says, eyes wide. "Hope and I have had all the essentials packed for days, just in case." Suddenly I feel a dark presence and tense. 

"Hope?" Harry asks, grabbing my hand. I look over Ron and Hermione's shoulders to the two men that just walked into the cafe. Dressed as workers, but their magical signature is way off. I notice on pull a wand out. 

"DOWN!" I yell, yanking Harry under the table while Ron and Hermione duck as well. Spells fly over our heads. I take my want out shoot a spell straight at one of them. It hits him so hard he flips over the counter, knocked out. The other one runs behind the counter, using it as a shield. 

I turn to Harry. "Cover me, I'm going to get closer." "What? No!" He whisper yells. I sigh, giving him an apologetic smile. "Invisique." "Hope!" He whisper yells, looking around for me. I rush towards where the man is firing hexes and curses. I raise my wand to him. "Stupefy." 

The man flies back, stunned. Once my friends realize what happened, I lift the invisibility spell and they stand up straight. Suddenly the waitress comes out. "Go! Leave!" Hermione yells. She nods, rushing out of the building out the back. 

I grip my wand tightly as they all come to stand next to me, staring down at the two unconscious Death Eaters. "Lock the door. Get the lights." Harry says. I raise my hand. The door locks itself and the blinds lower. Ron gets the lights with the gift Dumbledore left him. 

Harry looks down at both of them. "This one's name's Rowle." He says, pointing at the first man that went down. I remember him. "He was in the Astronomy Tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore." I realize. Ron glances at the last one. 

"This is Dolohov. I recognize him from the wanted posters. So what are we gonna do with you, eh? Kill us if it was turned around, wouldn't you?" Ron asks, a sneer in his voice. It's weird to hear him like this. Malicious. "If we kill them, they'll know we were here." Harry reminds him. 

"Ron." Hermione says, obviously on the same page as mewith not liking his tone. "Suppose he did Mad-Eye. How would you feel then?" "If we kill them, we're no better than them. There has to be a line. We'll wipe their memories." I say with finality in my tone. 

My family were all murderers. I promised to be better. The only person I plan on killing or assisting someone else in killing, is Voldemort...and maybe Bellatrix. "Fine. Hermione, you're the best with spells." I see sadness in her eyes. She wiped her parents memories. 

"I'll do it. You three go check for a rout we can take out of here." I say. She sends me a grateful look. As they walk away, I raise my wand. "Obliviate." Silvery memories flow into my wand as the spell works. Once I'm done, the three of us exit the cafe, walking down the street. 

"How is it they knew we were there?" Harry asks. "Maybe you still have the trace on you?" She asks. "Can't be. Trace breaks at 17. It's Wizarding law." Ron refutes. Suddenly Hermione stops, gasping. "What is it?" I ask. 

"We didn't celebrate your birthday, Harry." She says sadly as we all begin walking again. Hope prepared and cake and Ginny and I decorated it. We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding." 

"Look, Hermione, honestly, I appreciate the thought, but, really, given the fact that we were almost killed by a couple of Death Eaters a few minutes ago..." He trails off. "Right. Perspective." She shaking her head slightly. "We need to get off the streets. Get somewhere safe." Ron tells us. 

"I have an idea. Come on." I say, leading them through the streets of London. Now, I'd only been here a couple of times. I mainly stayed at the Burrow during the summer, but when I lived at Grimmauld Place Sirius and I would take strolls and talk. 

Well, He would be in dog for and I would be talking to a dog, but still. I recognize the area. When we reach the right building I stop. "Brilliant Hope." Harry says as I get it to reveal itself to me. Number 12 Grimmauld Place appears in front of us. The three of us walk inside. 

Instantly the lights cut on. We stand at the door, weary. Suddenly the dust that had settled on the floor starts to swirl at the end of the hallway. All of us have our wands out and ready now. A ghostly figure of Dumbledore appears in the dust and flies straight at us, screaming angrily. 

We all flinch as the dust hits us before settling back on the ground. "What was that all about?" Ron asks. "Probably Mad-Eye's idea, case Snape decided to come snooping." Hermione suggests. Suddenly there's banging. "Homenum Revelio." Hermione says. Nothing happens. 

"We're alone." 

Hope Mikaelson Goes to HogwartsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora