Rizevim Livan Lucifer

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Euclid was heading to the basement where the seals of Evil Dragons are at. He will do this important task for the sake of his loyalty to Rizevim and his goals to cause chaos to the world and show everyone that devils are the supreme species. When Euclid arrive in the basement he widened his eyes at noticing the seals we're all broken and they were all covered in black flames. This took Euclid by surprise, he wonder who caused all of this and who even entered this room breaking the seals.

Euclid: What has happened here? Who did all of this and who broke those seals. I need to report this to Lord Rizevim at once.

Euclid then noticed someone was walking out of the shadows appeared, Rimuru who was just staring back at Euclid with those golden eyes of his. Euclid couldn't sense demonic, holy or draconic energy from the person in front of him and thinks he's a mirror human, but something was telling him to stay on his guard.

Euclid: Who are you and how did you get in here?! Were you the one who broke those seals that used to contain the Evil Dragons?

Rimuru: Yep I was the one who got rid of the Evil Dragons and I gotta say they were quite tasty.

Euclid: What did you mean by that?

Rimuru: Oh I ate them.

Euclid: W-What did you just say?

Rimuru: You heard me I. ate. them.

Euclid couldn't believe what he just heard that this person here ate all the Evil Dragons. Rimuru then continue to speak.

Rimuru: When I destroyed the seals I put on a barrier making sure no one couldn't sense the Evil Dragons been released. When the Evil Dragons were released they all started to attack me and in self-defense, I absorbed them all, so they're pretty much dead now. Now do you mind getting out of the way because the next person I'm going out there is Rizevim.

Euclid: I am not letting you going after Lord Rizevim you have to go through me first

Rimuru: Sigh" I really have no time to waste, you are just no worth of my time. So I'm going to let my subordinate dealing with you.

Just then Euclid got kick to the face getting sent to the wall. He quickly got up and look at the person who kick him. The person had black hair with streaks of red and gold, as well as golden eyes, and wears a butler outfit.

Rimuru: Diablo make sure this trash doesn't get in the way.

Diablo: As you wish Lord Rimuru. I will make sure this trash doesn't get in your way of your plans.

Euclid widing his eyes when he heard that name Rimuru he now realizes that this is the Void Dragon God Rimuru or Demon Lord Rimuru from the rumors that he had heard about. In a flash of light Rimuru was already gone leaving Euclid along with Diablo.

Diablo: I am not letting you ruin the plans my Lord Rimuru and I'm going to enjoy making you suffer.

Euclid: Don't talk down on me, you may serve that Dragon God but I serve my loyalty to Lord Rizevim. I won't back down on a fight, in the name of Rizevim Livan Lucifer, I Euclid Lucifuge will defeat you. Now prepare to die!

Euclid fires multiple magic circles at Diablo who easily dodge them all. Euclid decided to use ice magic creating a large block of ice and launch it at Diablo. Diablo let the ice block come towards him, when it came near, Diablo punch it in one punch shattered it into million pieces.

Euclid: Wha- What?!

Diablo: That attack of yours was quite weak. It was very easy of me to break that block of ice you made. You probably don't have enough experience using ice magic, how sad and disappointment.

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