what's happening?!

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"I'm gay.." Zak says, "You are?" I ask. "Yeah.. do you support me? I hope this doesn't change anything about our friendship I-i-I-" Zak starts to worry. "Yes Zak, I support you.." I mumbled, "Thank you!" Zak exclaims with relief. "No worries!" I chuckled, knowing I'm bisexual.

"Well.. i guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?" I smiled, "Yeah.. bye Darry!" Zak replies in a happy tone. Him saying Darry made the butterflies going crazy, "Bye!" I say quickly before ending the call.

At least I know he is gay, i have a chance!


"So Antfrost.. Last night me and Zak called an-" i spoke before getting cut off my Ant, "You guys called? Oohh" he smirked. "Shut up!" I giggled, "That's not the point. What I'm trying to say is that we put together some songs for prom. And we finished, now all we need is your part." I declared.

"M-my part?" Antfrost tilted his head with confusion, "Yeah- like your songs!" I explained. "Ohh yeah well about that, I was actually planning to do them last night but then Velvet invited me over to his house." He rubbed the back of his head. "YOU WHAT?! THE SONGS ARE DUE TO DAY!" I yelled.

"Did I miss something?" Zak lifted his eyebrow, "Hey Zaky! Well we were just.. friendly talking." I lied. Zak shrugged it off and continued to make his way to English class, "Zaky?! ARE YOU GUYS LIKE A THING?!" Antfrost yelled.

"Shush! Alright?! We will talk about this later!!" I whispered.


"So are you gonna explain about what happened earlier at school?" Antfrost sighs from the other side of the phone, "What do you mean?" I ask with confusion. "Zaky?" He questions, "Everyone has nicknames for their friends right?" I started to worry. "Okay okay.. what's mine then?" He started to get smarter, "Umm.." I tried to think of a name quickly.

"F-Frosty??" I stuttered, "You made that on the spot right? I've never heard you call me that.." He replies. "You can talk to me." Antfrost says softly, "Okay.. I'll tell you everything." I smiled.

"I think I'm bisexual and I have a crush on Zak. That's basically it." I explained, "But aren't you like.. homophobic?!"

"Well.. I think.. I don't know, I really can't just select my sexual orientation it just all came to me and I can't do anything about it." I say, suddenly my stomach made the loudest rumble. "Alright.. I'll see you later." Antfrost stammered.

"Bye." I say, the phone then beeps meaning the call has ended.

My stomach rumbled again and my heart pounded, I felt dizzy and my vision was getting slightly blurry.

what's happening?!

all my fault | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now