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I wake up but I look at my clock and it's only 6:00 am, I doubt anyone would be awake as we were still in holiday. I decided to see if I could walk with my legs, but I failed miserably when I collapsed on the floor accidentally created a loud bang when I tried to reach my clock for assistance? What is wrong with me? I internally prayed my brothers didn't here but I thought wrong when I heard rushing towards my room. I quickly used all my arm strength to re-enter the bed. I hoped they wouldn't see the broken glass under my bed. I tried to sweep under but that wasn't working and I unluckily cut myself with a piece of glass. I muttered profanities, while I continued to sweep, and the steps got closer. I was done in time, and I immediately grabbed the covers and put it over me. Then my door banged open, I clenched my eyes shut as I heard muffled voices.

"Sweetie are you okay?" a voice asked. I wasn't sure who but I didn't respond. My breath quickened as I heard the footsteps becoming louder. I didn't open my eyes, maybe I could recognize them by their voice. 

I felt my self being uncovered and poked , I tried to ignore it but this person continued , I swatted their hand away and pretended to sleep again.

"Hi Elle, are you okay?" Leo asked. I continued to ignore him when I felt another presence approach to where I broke the alarm clock.

"Where's your alarm clock? " Dad asked curiously. I knew I was fucked up now so I decided to test myself to last a bit longer.

That's when I felt movement under my bed, what the heck was he doing?

"Ah, broken glass?" He stated

He carefully grabbed me by my shoulders and faced me so I was looking upwards, I didn't move though. He put his arm under my neck and another arm behind the bed in my legs and picked me up, I silently panicked when I felt he had now put me in his lap. 

He was placing kisses on my forehead and I felt like I needed to sneeze. I could feel my nose twitch, but I tried my best to stop.

"Achoo,"I sneezed, and decided to finally open my eyes to be met with the concerned, worried and anxious faces of my fellow brothers.

"Honey, accidents happen, can you tell me what happended?" I shook my head , I didn't want him to know that I was struggling to get out of bed. Now he would really make me use the wheelchair and I wasn't planning on using it. He looked disappointed

"Boys, out" He ordered them.

"What no! She's our sister too," Leo protested.

"Yeah, we have the right to see if she's okay," Brayden argued.

He did not respond, he gave them a hard glare and they already were out, the muttered under their breaths and shut the door, I suppose they could be listening through the door, but I thought these rooms were soundproof?

"Did you try to get out of bed?" he asked, I knew I couldn't lie. I nodded.

"Oh sweetie, you know what the Dr Ricci said, you have to use a wheelchair," he told me with a saddened expression.

"Yet, I'm not going too," I replied.

"Doctor's orders," he responded, in an authoritative tone. 

He began picking me up and tried to walk towards the wheelchair, I started struggling in his arms. I was trying to slip out his grasp but it wasn't working.

"NO!" I shouted, I squirmed.

Ignoring me, what a bitch, he placed me down. I was now slapping his back yet he wasn't fazed. He strapped my legs in and proceeded to grab my cheeks.

I didn't know what came over me and I bursted out in tears, I couldn't control them, he pulled me into a hug but all I did was hit him until I got tired and cried into his shoulder.

T h i r d   P e r s o n.

The boys could here the painful cries of their sister, along with her their hearts were breaking. The painful whimpers caused some to break into tears, yet also put more anger in their heart. Someone hurt their sister, yet they didn't protect her. They'd been barricaded from their sister's life for too long. And now they promised nothing wouldn't stop them now, not even if the outcome was death. 

They'd lived a good life, yet it was always uncomplete. They wished it was one of them instead of her. She'd never have birthdays, they did. Regardless, they felt like they didn't deserve happiness. They felt guilt for being happy . For having an opportunity of a nice life, while their sister's one got ripped away by their person they loved for the few years of their life.

Their mother, yet a mother was someone who was meant to love her children unconditionally, to nourish and protect. But they wondered what caused their mother to go cold after all the years they had together.

A / N

What was the really story behind their mother's actions? Was it hatred, or was Riccardo hiding an unknown secret? A secret which lead to the suffering to his daughter. 

Thank you for 700+ Reads. 🧡

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