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Stanley knocked on the door. The apartment was complete crap. You could hear multiple couples fighting in different apartments, the sound of dogs barking, glass breaking, things being thrown. Of course, whatever was going on behind the door that Stanley was knocking on was silent. Evie stood with her back against the wall beside the door, so their plan would work. 

Good Cop, Bad Cop. She was bad cop and Stanley was good cop. She couldn't exactly figured out how that worked. She supposed that she was more intimidating in a violent sense, but, Stanley used psychologic tricks. That was bound to work more than anything she did to hurt him. 

"Who the fuck is it?" a voice shouted. Evie was half tempted to say it was his lawyer but knew better and said absolutely nothing. Stanley didn't either. He just knocked again. They heard the sounds of something slamming down and then footsteps and the door opened in a fast, pissed off movement. 

"Who the fuck are you?" Darius Baxter spoke. He had shaved, platinum blond hair. There was what one would call bling around his neck. He didn't exactly scream out innocent. 

"My name's Stanley. I just wanna talk." Stanley spoke. 

"Who's she?" Darius questioned. Evie turned her head toward him. 

"I'm Seraphina, hailing from the lands of none of your fucking business." Evie stated. With a set jaw, he turned his gaze back to Stanley.

"You cops?" 

Stanley shook his head. "No, we just wanna talk." 

Darius paused for a moment. He was thinking it over. 

"Nah, man. You can talk to someone else." he decided before closing the door. Evie smiled smugly. 

"That went well." she spoke sarcastically. Stanley huffed. 

"Just kick the goddamn door in." 

Evie pushed herself off the wall as Stanley moved out of her way. She kicked the door in with such force that it actually flew off its hinges. Darius who was not far away from where the door landed, cowered and began to back away in fear. 

"Listen you junkie, Eminem rip off, pimp lookin, motherfucker. You're gonna talk to us or you're gonna bite dust. Capiche?" she spoke as she approached him, cracking her knuckles threateningly. 

"Lady, I don't know jack shit." 

She bent down, grabbed his leg and dragged him toward her before picking him up by the collar and throwing him into the kitchen cabinets. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, is jack shit one of your hero buddies or the drugs you've been selling them?" she sassed. By this point, he was crying. Not that anybody could blame him. He was high as shit and he was being attacked by a woman who to be honest, didn't look like she could hit that hard. 

"I don't know anything. I swear."

"That's okay. We just want you to do something for us." Stanley spoke from beside the counter. 

"Why the fuck would I do anything for you? You and your bitch just came in my home and started attacking me." Darius replied. Evie paused in her tracks. Her head snapping toward him. Her glare full of daggers.

"The fuck did you just call me?" she questioned. He quivered under her gaze. 


She approached him, squatting down to his level and she grabbed his chin roughly. She tightened her grip causing him to wince and squirm. 

"You know who calls women bitches? Delinquent, punk ass, Nikki Sixx wannabes. And, the last person to call me a bitch, lost their fucking balls." 

He continued to squirm. 

"Fuck you," he grunted out. She tightened her grip even more. 

"When we send the pictures of you selling drugs to Maestro, he's gonna lose his shit. He'll probably kill you and fuck your corpse in the ass." Evie spoke. Stanley cleared his throat and Evie begrudgingly let go of him before stepping back. 

"We can protect you... from that." he told him, glancing to Evie with slight annoyance. Darius looked up. 

"If I don't do shit, they won't." 

Evie laughed. 

"Oh, that's bullshit. Twenty years ago, a woman was walking home from work and Condor, Gecko and Optimo cornered her and raped her to death. You think she did anything?" 

"You say it like there are good ones. Those motherfuckers down in Slifshire have been killing people for years." Darius retorted. 

"Well, those motherfuckers down in Slifshire didn't hide behind a public image. They killed people who deserved it and saved a lot of people doing it. And what did they get? They get to be called terrorists for being real." Evie spoke. Stanley sighed and tossed Darius a vile. 

"We'll keep you alive, if you put that in whatever you give to Maestro." he spoke. 

"How about you give me money." 

"We don't have any. Take this opportunity or we'll send the picture into the news and find someone else." Stanley told him. 

Darius groaned. 

"Fuck. Fine, I'll do it. Jesus." 



This interrogation scene was not easy to write. I tried to find good cop, bad cop videos on Youtube but instead, I ended up watching clips from that movie, The Other Guys and then funny clips of Steve Carrell in Anchorman 2. 

I hope you enjoyed this! 

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Have a great night!!!

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