Run Boy Run.

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((Think this is the longest thing I've ever written-))

((TW: Mentions of Hanging/Death, Creep Lawyer))

Angelica hated shopping so late.

It had been a busy day however, her brother Adrien hadn't been angry thankfully. Had just told her to go and gather what she could for supper and he'd gather the rest the next day.

She thought the townspeople were whispering a bit more when she passed, staring daggers at her outright as she walked.

She sighed. She wondered if Gino or the twins had caused any recent trouble.

Stepping into the butchers shop, Angelica froze when the two older men in the corner glared at her.

Ignoring it, she stepped up to the counter where the Butcher was. A big man around Gino's stature and in fact was one of Gino's friends. He nursed a rather large crush on Angelica but after being turned down once, never again pursued it.

"Hello Angie" He said with a wave and nod, "bit late coming today ain't ya?"

"Hi Kenny, sorry for coming in so late...busy day" she said, smiling a bit at him which he somewhat returned,

"Listen...I gotta talk to ya about your tab"

Angelica was a bit taken aback,

"Did Percy not pay it?"

"Just a question Angie, I ain't angry...wanna come in the back room? Don't wanna embarrass ya"

Angelica sighed but nodded. Kenny opened the small swinging door to the back for her and she thanked him as she crossed, the two heading into the back office room where Kenny closed the door carefully.

"If there was counterfeit money, I do apologize, it was from a job down by-"

"They know"

Angelica stopped, looking over at Kenny who seemed...scared.

"...Who knows what?" She whispered, Kenny swallowed before continuing,

"They know...bout Div, they...they're angry, scared...they want him dead Angie"

Angelica felt her hands go numb. A lump formed in her throat she could not swallow and she nodded,

"...I will alert the others"

Kenny smiled weakly, "Good kid...tell Gino I say hi" he said and offered a small package of meat which she took with shaking hands.

"Best cut I got..." Kenny said softly, "Just...for luck"

Angelica felt herself tear up, throwing her arms around Kenny who hugged back tightly. It felt like one of Gino's hugs.

Kenny patted her back, "gotta get goin Angie..."

Angelica nodded, taking a shaky breath and pulling away from the hug, taking a moment to compose herself before leaving slowly.

She kept calm despite her hammering heart until she got to the path that lead to the Harley's home. Then she sprinted as fast as she could.


"Where's Angie?" Anna asked as she stepped into the parlour. Gino shrugged,

"How should I know? She mentioned going to the butchers but-"

The door flung open then slammed shut. Anna and Gino both stared as their usually calm and composed sister slammed the lock and leaned against the door, panting heavily.

Gino immediately got up and headed over, grabbing Angelica and tilting her chin up to see her face, startled to see her eyes brimming with tears.

"Angie?! What happened?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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