Part 16

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Remi's pov
I got up annoyed thinking the person at the door was sawyer, but when I looked out of the glass window on the door to see who it was I became shocked and could only stand in my place, the person at the door... it was cooper's ex girlfriend...

Brooke was standing in the doorway but she wasn't alone she was with.. my dad??? My dad looked completely pissed off but Brooke looked kind of concerned almost like she wanted to be anywhere else but there I glanced over at cooper who was on the couch and gave him a worried look he got up immediately frantically asking who was at the door, I couldn't say anything I just nodded in silence .

He looked out the window I was looking out of and told me to go hide in the kitchen I quickly ran to the kitchen and I don't know what was going through my head but as soon as I even knew what was happening I already had a knife in my hand.

Coopers pov
I opened the door cautiously peering out but as soon as I did remi's dad burst through the door

"Where the hell is remi, you little shit I know your in here." Remis dad said in a mad tone. "what the hell get out of my house Remis not here." I say trying to get him out of the house so he doesn't scare Remi. "Fuck no I'm not leaving tell I get my son and why are you not wearing a shirt." He said as he pushed me away trying to get to the kitchen.

When he got to the kitchen he saw Remi and said "you little shit get your ass over here now and where is your brother." He said yelling at him I could tell he was getting scared so I signed to him to come to me. When I signed to him to come to me he ran over to me and hugged me tight and then he started to cry.

Remis pov

I was sitting on the kitchen floor about to cry and j hear my dad start to walk in the kitchen looking for me I didn't want to know what he was going to do but I known it wasn't going to be good.

The I heard a bunch of yelling then someone walking into the kitchen. The people who walked into the was my dad then Cooper.

When my dad walked in to the kitchen I dropped the knife I was holding. When he got into the kitchen he said you little shit get you ass over here now and where is your brother." We my dad said that I saw Cooper signed to me to go over to him.

I hesitated for a second but then I ran over to him hugged him as tight as I could and started to cry.

Coopers pov

When Remi got over to me and I had him safely in my arms I said "get the fuck out of my house my moms going to be home anytime now."

When I said that they got out of my house.

When they were both out I walked over to the door and shut it then went over to the couch where Remi was sitting and wrapped my arms around him.

Then I said "it's going to be ok I promise" "thank you Cooper" he said I'm a great full tone "I love you" he added " I love you too Remi"

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