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It's getting pretty late and I know that it is time to get my patient admitted and moved upstairs. I have been waiting, knowing that my wife Crystal's shift starts soon. I have a double today so we will finish at the same time! I page the adolescent ward to send down a porter with a bed and a nurse, preferably Crystal. Luke and I then both walk into the room because Luke is still really bored today.

"Alright sweetheart, I'm really proud of everything we have done today, you have been doing so well..." I say as Luke begins packing up the bay. "Is there anyone we can call for you? just to let them know where you are?" I ask. Ellie just looks down to her hands in her lap and shakes her head sadly, "they're gone" she mumbles, making both Luke and I freeze. "What do you mean angel, where have they gone?" Luke inquires, not expecting a response. "Dead" she whispers, letting tears silently drop into her hands. Neither of us knows what to say and we just look at her, hoping for her to give more context. She looks up at us, ready to continue, "I... I wanna talk to you" she whispers to the both of us. We both make our way to her bed and sit with her, hoping that she is comfortable enough to share. "No Josh" she says sternly. I shake my head, "no Josh" I repeat to her. "Tomorrow?" she asks, "do you wanna talk tomorrow sunshine?" I ask for clarification. Ellie nods, "alright angel, I think we might get you up to a ward and introduce you to one of our favourite nurses, then we will talk more tomorrow. You need rest" Luke says and Ellie nods.

Shortly after this, Crystal comes down to the ED bouncing as she helps a porter bring through a bed. She is wearing her bright pink flowery scrub top with plain pink scrub pants, looking awfully peppy for it being the start of her 10-hour shift. They come up to us with the bed, making sure that it isn't in anyone's way and Crystal gives me a hug, "hey baby" I chuckle, wrapping my arms around her. "Alright, all I know is that we have a girl to pick up, I have nothing else" she says as we pull out of the hug. "Ok, we have miss Ellie, she is 16 and is going to need very close observation. We still have almost no information on her, she has said probably 10 words total since she's been here, been absolutely petrified of talking and touching. Still waiting on most test results but she has had a few hypos since she's been here, refusing to eat, stats at 92 with nasal oxygen. Severely underweight and going tachy when moving from a lying position, resolves within a minute on its own" I tell my wife, seeing her nod, understanding the information. "It's all in her chart though" I finish, "thank god, there was no way I was gonna remember that" Crystal laughs. "Oh yeah, I've also got her on bihourly IVAB because she has a pneumonia" I add, "that... I will remember" Crystal says confidently, looking at me with a smile. "Let's go meet this little sunshine" she says happily, bouncing away into the bay.

I see Ellie pulling herself out of her thoughts as Crystal enters the bay, "hi sunshine, my name is Crystal. I'm here to take you to another room where you can have a rest, does that sound alright?" my wife asks sweetly. Ellie smiles and nods in response, "alright honey, I have Paul with me, he is going to help me bring you up. Do you think we can get you into this bed?" Crystal says, receiving another nod from Ellie. Luke and I immediately make our way over to assist in the transfer, knowing that Ellie will end up tachy and dizzy. "Ok honey, can I hold your arm while we move you, just to make sure you're ok?" I ask, receiving a nod before I take her arm. Paul quickly moves the bed directly next to the other one allowing us to quickly transfer Ellie without even needing her to stand. As expected though, Ellie's heart rate spikes to 134 bpm but quickly returns to normal after her eyes stop flicking. I look to my wife and see that she has mentally made note of this reaction. "Alright sweetheart, we're gonna leave you with Crystal and she is going to take care of you tonight, let her know if you need anything, she will keep you safe" I say, watching Ellie hesitantly nod in understanding, "ok angel, we'll see you soon" Luke adds before she is rolled out of the ED.

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