pt. 4

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Author pov

After attending the funeral u were walking to God knows where u were in a big trauma u didn't wanted to go home or should I say house it felt a lil stranger to u the same house where u have been living all ur life until now it was suddenly a stranger to u talking to urself complaining bout how ur life is, ur eyes continuously watering u were surrounded with the saddest aura anyone would have ever witnessed u were now alone all alone knowing that no one is there with u now everyone u knew left u either they died or just broke the relationship between u and them everything was just playing back to back nothing seemed right to u. The thought of just dieing came back to back u couldn't even belive urself what had happened.

Ur pov

I was exhausted physically and mentally too I was so dome with this unfair world I just wanted to die rn but the promise I made to them is stopping me from doing that my heart feels soo heavy that it will explode any minute my head hurts too everything is roaming around. Suddenly I saw a car going at full speed and then suddenly a truck came and crashed into the car... I flinched bad I couldn't do anything I was frozen even when I was trying to move my legs it wouldn't move I wanted to scream but the voice didnt came out it felt like I was being forced to not move a muscle......
*Gasp* *Gasp* *Gasp*

I woke up....

Author pov

She was sweating badly she didn't knew what to do she was shivering badly tears falling down like a waterfall it was a lil hard for her to breathe but she managed she looked for a glass of water and luckily it wasn't empty she drank it all in one go....

Ur pov

I hated this if u might be wondering what's going on so lemme tell u this nightmare came everytime after my parents death but it stopped after a year it's been 2 years since I saw it and today... It came back... I m afraid why did it happened *sigh* I guess I was just missing them so much..... Hopefully... But I have to keep it a secret with mrs. Choi she is already super worried bout me I don't wanna worry her more I then lied back trying to sleep but couldn't so I just put some music with headphones on so that I could be a lil relaxed

This is my fav song coz... It calmes me down a little after that i couldn't resist but to listen more and more so i switched to my playlist and played it..

The playlist

Winter bear
Sweet night
With you
Far away
Stay alive
Christmas tree
I am fine
Truth untold
21st century girls
2! 3!
Film out
Life goes on
Magic shop
We are bullet proof:the eternal
Much more...

This is soo good this feeling is just soo good I love this band I wish I knew them... They r hidden soo well that none of their fans know who they r they makes songs which makes people believe themselves and love themselves they have saved sooo many lives till now... Including mine they r just great.... After listening for 1hr I fell asleep.

Time skip~~

Author pov

She woke up after a few more hrs and headed to the bathroom to do her business.... After she was done she came out wearing this👇

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No make up nothing

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

No make up nothing

After this she went down towards the kitchen she saw the maids making breakfast she greetes them and headed to the backyard

Ur pov

After I hot down I greetes the maids with a smile and they greeted me back after that I headed to the backyard as the breakfast was still not ready j m not a morning person but today o just woke up as soon as I reached there I saw tall figures standing and... They were enjoying something??.. As I looked closer I saw 1 of them acting like a monkey

As soon as I saw that I couldn't control but to start laughing too lke how can someone be THIS unique and.. Then I realized that I m same as him just a lil no no a LOT shy to show that... Ehhehheheh

After this i went to them they didn't saw me at first but when they did they maintained their postures and the monkey guy what's his name Oh yea!! Taehyung stopped it and he looked a lil embarrassed I left out a small chuckle

Jin:why r u laughing 🙄

Me:Heyy!! That's was cute!! No need to be embarrassed!


me:yea for sure u aren't it's just the heat right that's making ur cheeks go red ☺🤣🤣🤣


Jin:ok ok enough don't tease him u girl

Me:eh!.. Ok anyways do u guys want to eat breakfast?

Suga:duhh yea what do u think we r not humans or what🙄

Me:not like that mr. Cat but i know some people who skip break5thats why I was asking... *sigh* anyways go in the dinning room the  real fast is ready...

Jin:ok guys come one let's goo we can't make the food wait!!!!

Bts:aishhh yea hyungg!

After they left well I thought they left I stared at the scenery those painfull memories coming back ams then suddenly the ones which were are and will forever be my most happiest moments came back


'Bad memories'

I was left all alone I was shivering from cold everything was wrong everything was messed up is this all okay for a 9 yr no it's not but ome can't do anything about their destiny and fate it will ho just the way it wants it wone listen to u never ever

Me:my parents are dead the company got bankcorupt suddenly I don't have a single penny everything my dad earned just hot taken away from ne in just a second..... How can j do this to me mumm ans papa huh? HOW!!?? U SAID THAT U WILL NEVER EVWR LEAVE ME NOW U LEFT ME ALL ALONE NO ONE NO ONE IS THERE TO HELP ME!!!! DAD U SAID THAT U WILL NEVER LEAVE ME AND WILL SHOW ME THE RIGHT WAY BUT U JUST LEFT ME LKETHAT AND MOM HOW DARE U HUH!!!?? U SAID THAT U WILL PROTECT ME AND WILL ALWAYS MAKE ME HAPPY BUT NOW U LEFT TOO!!! WHYY JUST WHYYYY-Y-Y-Y!!!!???

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