welcome to the land of the living wei ying style!

391 28 29

I woke up to a bright white room filled with the smell of medical herbs

The room was so white that I hurt my eyes

Especially since just a few seconds ago I was in pure darkness

"Ah young master wei you are awak-" the sudden voice paused

Which was good to since it hurt my ears so much

Still slightly squinting I slowly sat up in bed and stretched out my arms

I even got a really satisfying *pop* from my shoulder in return

After that well deserved stretch I turn to my right to gaze at the doctor only to realize that he was staring at me in awe and horror

It's that type of look a strict family member would give their daughter if she comes home with a tattoo or all her hair cut off

"....um...Ren-laoshi?" I called out, snapping the man back to earth

"Ahem right, so it seems you are now fully healed, there is no more resentful energy around your core thanks to the song of clarity and rest, so you should be able to go back to class today" he blankly explain while still passing small glances at me

"Wait how long have I been out?" I tipped my head

"You've been out for a entire week, both your siblings a d the twin jades along with Lan-laoshi has come visit you" he said to me softly "I recommend you go to class now to reassure them"

I nodded with a small smile before throwing the blanket off to make my way to class

"Ap AP AP! Make sure you drink this herbal tea twice a day before meals!"

"Got it! Thanks Ren-laoshi!"


I raced towards the hanshi where the classes were taking place even though running is forbidden but eh who cares about that?

Anyways the weird thing is that I observed that whiles in my way to the hanshi, all other disciples who were not in classes or even the servants gawked at me

Which is weird in it's on way but I'm pretty sure they have all seen me before, he I've spoken and made friends with the majority of them

So how come they stare at me like that?

I got off cloud nine as I finally stopped Infront of the hanshi's door

I can even hear the voice of the old goat 'meeeeehing' away

Ah! I also heard the voice of lan xichen

Hm...I wonder why he is here, usually zewu-jun would be off somewhere with some type of work to do

I shook my head with my eyes closed not noticing the silver strands of hair that whipped into my face before I knocked in the door maki g the voices inside pause

"Who?" The goat asked

"Wei wuxian" I answered simply

"Come in" as the goat belted I opened the door and stepped inside only to get a


in my face like what is it now!?

Jiang Cheng stared at me with wide eyes-EVERYBODY stared at me with wide eyes

INCLUDING lan zhan

"Hmph! Why is everybody staring at me today!?" I huffed with a slight blush that the attention brought

"W-wei-xiong your hair-" huaisang started

"What wrong with my hair nie-xiong?"

"It's silver" Jin zixuan pointed out making me pull my hair into my view

He was right my hair was now a striking silver maybe even brighter than my eyes

And it was also only now that I realize that my teeth seem to be longer

I open my mouth and felt it with my tongue

And indeed they are longer

They are like the little k-9s a puppy would have

"Wha-what's happening to me!?" I started to panic

"Young master wei please don't panick we can get through this" xichen tried to get my attention but it didn't work

"Aish, babe I left you for one hour and you're already like this" Asta's voice sounded out from somewhere before the world turned black


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