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Third Person's POV

Ten Years Later

"SEONGJUN-AH COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" Jungkook yelled on the top of his lungs. The 10-years-old child was the definition of trouble. He would get in trouble all the time. Scoldings, punishments, harshness, sweetness nothing work on that troublemaker child.

The little boy giggled and hid behind a sofa, not even a little bit scared of his dada. The little trouble maker has mixed mint coloured dye in Jungkook's hair, ruining his newly dyed silver hair. To say Jungkook was frustrated would be an understatement.

"KIM TAEHYUNG, COME AND GET THIS TROUBLE MAKER CHILD OF YOURS" Jungkook yelled for the second time that day, he was frustrated with this father and son. Yes, Kim Seongjun was Taehyung and Jungkook's child and also the first child of Jungkook.

Seongjun ran to his appa who entered the living room after hearing his baby shout. Taehyung picked up the giggling boy and chuckled. "Sheesh calm down koo, it's not a big deal. You look cute in mint hair anyways" Taehyung said cheekily, pecking his cheek making Jungkook sigh.

"Please keep your troublemaker child in check Tae, he's starting to get more and more bratty everyday." Jungkook informed making the little boy pout. "Nuh Brat!" the little boy said cutely and Jungkook's heart melted right away. "Aish, you are too cute for your own good" Jungkook said and sighed again, done with his inner battle between being mad or caring. Taehyung and Seongjun smiled, a boxy smile and a bunny smile and Jungkook melted again.

"Okok fine, you win," Jungkook said, defeated. The father and son cheered. They kissed him on the cheek and ran out of the room. Jungkook giggled at their antics.

It's been 10 years already, time does fly so fast. Many things changed in those 10 years years. Jungkook's mates are literally the best mates he could ever wish for. They spoiled him, cared for him, loved him, they treated him like a fragile doll, and Jungkook couldn't be more grateful to them. Jungkook completed his graduation but he said that he don't want to get a job yet and of course his mates agreed without any hesitation

Jungkook has four kids now, Seong-Jun is the eldest, 10 years old, his and Taehyung's child. Namwook was the second eldest, 9 years old, his and Namjoon's child. Ji-Han and Yoon-Ha were twins, Ji-Han was Jimin's while Yoon-Ha was Yoongi's. It's really weird that they are twins but still have different fathers.

All of the children were Alphas. It really amazes Jungkook how all his mates and even children are Alphas. He's the only omega in this household.

Suddenly, Jungkook felt a soft tug on his shirt. He looked down and was met with an adorable face of Namwook. Namwook had a huge pout on his face which made Jungkook coo. He knelt down to his son's height.

"What happened wookie?" He asked softly. Namwook whined. "Papa won't help me with my homework dada, he's meanie" Jungkook chuckled softly at his son's cuteness. Namwook is more mature then his age, even more mature then Seong-Jun. Seong-jun is bratty and a trouble maker while Namwook is quiet and nerdy. But Jungkook loves both his kids equally.

"It's ok baby, Your Papa might be busy, come on baby, I'll help you with your homework" he said.

Namwook smiled widely, his dimpled popping out which made him look even more adorable. They both sat on the living room's couch and completed Namwook's homework.

After completing his homework, the Nine-years-old ran toward his older brother's room but now before kissing his dada on cheek, leaving a smiling Jungkook behind.

Jungkook got up from the couch and went toward the kitchen. It was empty. He saw some dirty dishes in the sink and decided to wash them. He was halfway done washing when he felt two arms wrap themself around his petite waist. He could recognize this scent anywhere, Jinnie.

"Jinnie hyung" Jungkook giggled when Jin buried his face in his mate's neck, inhaling the calming scent. "You didn't have to wash them baby, I could have done it," Jin said, sucking on the soft skin of Jungkook. "Mmh~ It's fine hyung, I can't do it" Jungkook said, closing his eyes, leaning back on Jin's broad chest as his husband sucked on his neck. Yes, you heard it right, they are all married now.

They got married one year after Namwook was borned. They decided to take the surname Kim because it suited them the best.

Jin and Jungkook heard the front door opening. "Namjoon and Hoseok must be back, go greet them koo, I'll do the rest" Jin said. Jungkook nodded and went out. He saw his two tired husbands and immediately ran to them.

He greeted them both happily, getting wide smiles and greetings in return. He wrapped his arms around Namjoon's neck and kissed him, getting a gentle kiss back. He did the same with Hoseok and pulled back when he heard two tiny pairs of footsteps approaching.

"Appa! Pa!" Two childish screams were heard before Namjoon and Hoseok felt two tiny arms wrap around their legs. "Ji-Han, Yoon-ha inside voice!" Jungkook scolded the two six years olds lightly, making the twins pout. "Sowwy dada" they said in unison and turned their attention back to their fathers.

"We mished soooo much Appa, Pa!" The twins said and giggled. The two Alphas laughed at their cute kids and kissed their heads softly.

"Papa, Appa, we want to show you the drawings we made! Come with us" Yoon-Ha said and they both dragged their father's to the art room.

Jungkook smiled at his sons and husbands and made his way towards his and his mates' room.

He saw Jimin and Yoongi cuddling on the king-sized bed which made him pout, he wanted cuddles too. Jungkook sneakily made his way toward his mates and laid in between them.

Yoongi and Jimin laughed when they felt their mate wiggling his way between them. Jungkook smiled his bunny smile and buried his face in Jimin's chest, sighing contently. Yoongi wrapped his arms around the omega's petite waist, hugging him from behind.

They felt the bed shift and several bodies joined them on the bed. Jungkook smiled and snuggled more into Jimin, sniffing all of his mate's scent. He loves them.

"I love you all," Jungkook whispered, loud enough for the others to hear.

"We love you too bunny"

Jungkook felt complete, he finally had someone to care for him, he was finally someone's number 1 priority. He finally has someone who loves him.

The sudden Epiphany made Jungkook's heart flutter. He love his mates


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I finally finished this book 😭 I will miss writing this book so much!

Thank you all of you for your love and support! I don't know if I could have completed this book without your love. Thank you so so so soo much! I love you all.

This is not the end but the beginning 😉 I can't wait to write more books for you! I will focus on taming the bad boy and forever together now.

Thank you so much! I will miss you all 😭

See you in my other books~

Bye Bye my loves~ 💜💜

-Nash- 💜

Epiphany | J.JK×BTS ✔ [Re-writing]Where stories live. Discover now