Episode: 2, Dungeons, Danger, & Deals

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Episode: 2, Dungeons, Danger, & Deals

*A/N: Comment if you like the reference! Also, this chapter is dedicated to my friend who for privacy's sake I'll call N. (Hope you like the story, and for the first clue, I will give you some lines of dialogue, and here's the hint: A=D) (Remember this is a one-time-thing with this hint. No more after this. Solve them yourself next time, ok?)*

"Rqh zdb wr devroyh klv fulph; D gliihuhqw irup, d gliihuhqw wlph."

"Eodph wkh duvrq iru wkh iluh, Klv wlph kdv frph wr exuq, qrz kh zloo ulvh kljkhu wkdq rqfh zdv."

"Exw lw'v qrz wlph iru klp wr dulvh wr d irup dqhz, eulqj shdfh wr wkrvh kh'v kxuw."


*And now, onto the chapter- (Enjoy!)*

After yesterday's events, Ford had carried me down to the basement in order to take scans of me, and do a basic check-up, to ensure I wasn't hurt. He had a lot of questions, and so did I..

"These scans are so fascinating! Your heart has this...sac..thing attached to it, and it seems to be generating anomalous energy." Ford says.

"I knew that part! That's my bile-sac, every witch has one! When I use my magic, that sac pumps different chemicals into my bloodstream through the heart. I believe it pumps magic essence, adrenaline, and a few others. It does that so us witches can fight more effectively. We call the chemicals that get released bile, and can actually help get our hearts to continue pumping if we are injured, or have heart issues." I say.

"What determines the power of the spell? Do you know what spell you use before you cast it, or is it more based on your emotion or subconscious thought?" Ford asked.

"Well the strength of the spell is determined by how large the spell circle is." I say, casting a few light spells to demonstrate. "The spell itself is determined by thought, so if I think of light and draw a spell circle, I can cast a light spell. At the moment I currently know six spells. Mom teaches me the spells she knows. The spells I know are: Light, Fire, Ice, Bacic Illusion, Shield, and Plant."

"Interesting. When you cast an illusion spell, are you able to control the illusion itself?"

"Sort of, I am still mastering that one. I can control what each illusion looks like, but I have my limits. I can only mirror things nearby or myself. Each one is pretty weak as well. I am able to use spells that don't require a spell circle too. For example if I do this," I say, grabbing Dipper, who was next to us writing in his journal, and punching him, causing him to drop his pen, and his shoulder started to turn red.

"Hey! The hell was that for?!"

"With this spell declared, let the pain be shared." The bruise on his shoulder gets smaller, while my shoulder starts turning red. "I can help heal others. I will be hurt in the process, but it is worth it."

"Woah! Cool! I got to write this down!" Dipper says, reaching down for his pen. "Damn.. You punch hard.."

"Hey, when I blacked out, I actually dreamt about something.. I woke up in the forest. It was night, so I casted a light spell. I then heard this voice calling out for help, so I followed it, and reached this weird statue, which apparently the voice was trapped in, so I tried to investigate, but that's when I woke up."

"What was it a statue of?" Ford asks, slightly panicked.

"A triangle with an eye, arms, and a tophat."

"Shit- Did you try to shake it's hand?" He says, grabbing what looked to be a small device, with two lightbulbs on it, from the nearby table."

"I was gonna, but I woke up before I could."


"Oh, thank god. Do not touch that statue. I can't tell you why, but I trust you'll listen."

"Ok..." I say awkwardly.

"Anyways, let's talk about the changes your body went through since you were bitten. It seems your body has become more canine, especially your ears, newly formed tail, along with your legs, which are now much longer, and having fur along your arms." Dipper-who had been been reading the results from the scans-said.

I look down at my now canine-appearance. My fur stopped halfway down my fingers, and my legs had been completely transformed. I was stunned. How would I tell mom?

"Hey Ford, how are there demons in Gravity Falls? The Boiling Isles only have one portal to the human realm. How would they get here?"

"Wait you saw a demon? What did it look like?" Ford says, seemingly panicked by the mention of a demon.

"Uh... the beast that bit me? Was that not a demon? Or was I just being dumb?"

"Oh! No, those are a type of Lupus Bacterium-a species of bacteria that creates a mutualistic bond with its host, and can replicate the traits of the Canis Lupus-a.k.a. wolf-onto its host. They have been pretty quiet. Known to be weak to cold temperatures, and prefer the warmth of their hosts. They will generally eat leftover food that humans don't need. They could possibly be a good weight loss solution. When they have canine hosts however, they become parasites. They kill the mind of the animal, and will proceed to live in the now zombified corpse. They gain complete control over canine hosts and are far more aggressive. They spread to a new host via saliva, or through the blood. They love human hosts and will never hurt them. They are somewhat sentient, but only when in a large group." Dipper reads from his journal.

"Damn. You just wrote a whole damn research paper on them huh?" I say.

"Yep." He says.

"Kids, dinner!" Dad calls down to us.

"Coming!" We call up.

During dinner, dad told us we would have a bonding day. A way for me and the twins to get to know one another. Also a way for uncle Ford to "get out of the basement for once in his life"-according to dad. Dad wanted to stay home and run the shack, while Ford takes us to the crash site of some UFO. Seems fun, right?

"Ok. We're here. Jay can you cast a light spell?" Ford says, climbing down the ladder.

"Got it." I say, casting a small light spell.

"So Jay, how do you learn new spells? Is it based on your intelligence, or something else?" Dipper asks.

"What? No, I learn new spells by combining and molding previously learned spells! What board-games have you been playing? Light is similar to fire, so I turned light into fire. But I also learn by example. Mom showed me her ice and plant spells so I could try and replicate them. She is a great teacher, her methods can be weird sometimes though. Anyways, I love her to bits, and she's the best mom I could ever ask for."

"Oh !" Dipper says.

"Here guys, take these magnet guns." Ford says, handing them out to us.

"Thanks, but what's a gun?" I say.

"A type of ranged weapon. I'll explain sometime soon."


I wonder if I could learn a new spell? Like Warping? A travel-type spell would be very helpful. I wonder... What if I use my shield spell as more of a sled? No. Not now. It's not safe enough to do that indoors. What if I shaped my ice and plants into different weapons? Could be helpful... I'll try that. Mom would be so proud. Hope she's ok. I should message her. Good thing I gave her that phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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