Chapter 68 Reacts

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No one's POV

After being informed Church was alive and in trouble , Tucker and Caboose immediately ran out of the base, with Zero, One, Wash and Carolina trailing behind.

After being informed Church was alive and in trouble , Tucker and Caboose immediately ran out of the base, with Zero, One, Wash and Carolina trailing behind

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Tucker: Come on, what are y'all waiting for? We're wasting time!

Tucker: Come on, what are y'all waiting for? We're wasting time!

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Washington: Take it easy, Tucker, we have to think about this!

Tucker: What is there to think about?

Caboose: Yes, Church needs help!

Washington: How is this even possible?! There was...nothing left of Epsilon after that last battle.

Tucker: You don't have to tell me that! I have a pretty fucking vivid memory of the whole thing! Which is entirely why the hell we need to get on this now! We owe him one! Several! A million!

Carolina: He said "Alpha"...could it be the original Church A.I.?

Zero: That's not possible. He should have died from the EMP.

Tucker: Who fucking cares, it's Church! Our friend! Or my friend at least!

Zero: Hey! Calm the fuck down, Tucker.

Carolina: Church means a lot to me too! More than I think you realize. I'm not happy about the situation either, but we have to be realistic. Any successful operation begins with intelligence.

Tucker: We've never needed intelligence before!

One: Tucker, it's a huge galaxy, and we don't have a way to trace that message.

Tucker: Well standing around and talking ain't gonna accomplish shit! That's all we ever do and we never get anything done!

Carolina: The other factor is that we have leads on the Freelancers' side of this. Zero, One Washington and I have some old friends we can check up on.

Tucker: So you want to go on a fucking Freelancer adventure while Church is in trouble. GIVE ME A BREAK!

Washington: Going after Church means tracing that signal, which is not something we can do on our own. For that, we're gonna need some help.


After talking, the Blues walked up to Dylan.

Washington: So, in exchange for helping us you want what exactly?

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Washington: So, in exchange for helping us you want what exactly?

Dylan: Not much. Interviews, access, and the exclusive.

Tucker: I don't buy it. How are you going to trace the message?

Dylan: I won't be. I have an A.I. assistant. He hasn't let me down yet.

One: An A.I. ?

Carolina: Where the hell did you get it?

Dylan: Those details aren't a part of the deal. It's a trusted source.

Zero: We need to know if we can trust you. Smart A.I. or dumb A.I.?

Dylan: He's dumb. Very dumb.

Washington: I still don't like the idea of civilians tagging along.

Dylan: I reported from the frontlines on the Great War. I can handle myself.

Carolina: And your cameraman?

Dylan: He's—

Jax walks up dramatically.

Jax: (like tears in rain) I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. (himself) Blade Runner!

Carolina: ...and I thought we'd already reached peak moron.

Zero: ...-_-... There's no peak when it comes to them.

Sarge and Simmons run up to everyone.

Sarge: Don't make deals with the Whites! Their blankets are covered in smallpox!

Carolina: ...I stand corrected...

DONUT (somehow) comes skiing in with a tray of frappes, having put on a tie and hipster glasses (over his armor of course)

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DONUT (somehow) comes skiing in with a tray of frappes, having put on a tie and hipster glasses (over his armor of course). CABOOSE and TUCKER stare at him, confused.

Donut: Who wants a poisoned pumpkin frappuccino?

Carolina: ...-_-...I'm just gonna shut up now...

Zero: ...-_-... That's probably for the best...

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