chapter 9

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The next day Mammon went to check on Satan somehow sneaking in. And as he got to the dungeon to Satan's cell he saw him just sitting there but then looked up at him once he saw him

Satan : Mammon?"

Mammon : hey...... how are you?"

Satan: ....the hell happened to you?"

Mammon then started explaining everything to Satan nearly breaking down crying about it from how guilty he felt.

Mammon. : I ..i tried getting the money....i really t-!?

Satan : it's ok"

Mammon : it's not! Look at you!"

Satan : you tried. I know you wouldn't purposely do anything to get us hurt. So it's ok"

Mammon :....i went after them.... almost got myself killed....i had to reveal my angel from that's back ..... scared the hell out of them....on the bright side scared them into confessing....but i don't know if that's going to help you"

Satan : the demon died "

Mammon : what!?"

Satan : I'm now facing murder charges....i mess up bad"

Mammon : so it was one guy!? Like we all haven't murdered before!?"

Satan : I wonder what Lucifer is thinking about it...."

Mammon :.....I .....I heard about what happened.... finally got it all off your chest?"

Satan : ....I don't feel any better...."

Mammon : don't worry everything will be fine.... hopefully?"

Satan : .....I just wanted him to see me for me to notice I'm here and thinking and comparing me to others in his mind....I figured if I got his validation....then it would really mean... that I am ... "

Mammon : hias validation you don't need we see you for you?"

Sata,n : but he doesn't..... he's so held up by the past no matter what he will never let don't understand why I needed it...."

Mammon : yeah guess I probably never will. Lucifer Is really a complicated guy but he's not evil just like so stubborn to the point it kinda pisses you off ya know?"

Satan : heh....I know.....I wonder if he cares that I'm probably facing death"

Mammon : I don't know what is going to happen. But I'm sure your not facing death"

Satan : I don't want to be lock up forever.... that's probably what's going to happen"

Mammon : we won't let that happen"

Satan : Lucifer wouldn't dare go against Diavolo and risk him turning against everyone. He always said he would throw one of us away for that guy"

Mammon : such a kiss up right? Anyway worse comes to worse we just run away until things cool down?"

Satan : where exactly would we go?"

Mammon : I have no idea? But running away blindly from my problems always works"

Satan : ....your stupid...."

Mammon : I-!?

Suddenly a crow show up and landed on Mammon's shoulder and started making sounds like it was telling Him something.


Mammon : ok so tha....oh so that's it?.....shit..."

Satan : what did it say"

Mammon : had him go spy on Diavolo and Barbatos to see what your punishment would be"

Satan : what is it?"

Mammon : well some demons actually want you dead but they don't want to go that route and have been trying to negotiate.

There's talk of locking you up for a few hundred years or something putting you in an enteral slumber or bashing you from Devildom which wouldn't work because demons can't live anywhere else....then there's talk of Barbatos locking you away in some room in his time and space place thing for a few hundred years...."

Satan : so basically I'm screwed form all angles?"

Mammon : at least death isn't on the table?"

Satan : yes but my freedom is. "

Mammon : I promised that I would protect my family no matter the cost and if that means becoming an Enemy to Diavolo I'll do it"

Satan : what are you doing?"

Mammon : as your caring loving brother I'm going to kidnap you?"

Satan : ......yeah sure ok"

Mammon : first. Crowy can you go make a distraction? You know?"

The crow then left and after this Satan ask.

Satan : what's the distraction?"

Mammon : you know how Barbatos hates rats? There going to leave him a few surprises should buy us some time"

Satan : that's evil?....I like it"

Meanwhile later Mammon and Satan were running through the forest while Satan was holding a book trying to find a spell it had that could send them to the human world.

But as they were running they stop at a cliff below was a pit and they were unable to get to the other side. and Satan yelled.

Satan : you have poor direction!!"

Mammon : it's fine! Just find the spell!!"

Satan : I'm working on it!"

Suddenly everyone show up and Lucifer yelled .

Lucifer : DO NOT DO THIS!!"

Mammon : it's a little too late for that Lucifer!.... I'm sorry but I have to do this"

Mammon stood in front of Satan as Satan was still looking for the spell.

Barbatos : Mammon we are not trying to hurt you both!"

Mammon : I'm protecting my family! I know exactly what you guys were going to do to Satan! And he doesn't deserve that!"

Diavolo : Mammon it's not like that! We are just trying to figure out what to d-

Satan : shut up! I'm not going to be lock away!"

Diavolo : please....we don't want to have to use force...."

Satan : Mammon I got it!"

Mammon : good"

Satan and Mammon then looked at each other and nodded then without hesitation jump off the cliff.

And everyone quickly ran over horrified and looked down but didn't see them

Then suddenly Mammon flew up into the sky in his angel from and wings out holding Satan's hand and then drop him in a tree on the other side of the cliff as he stood in the sky.

Both of them looked back at everyone who looked shock and surprised then Satan opened the portal and jumped through and Mammon flew in.

Asmo : he's an angel again!?"

Lucifer: they shouldn't have ran off...."

Barbatos : I'm guessing that was a portal to the human world. We need to go find"

Levi : that's not going to be easy"

Beel : ......he.....he just was protecting Satan...."

Belphie : Beel what's w-

Beel : ........ it's like the war all over again...."

Beel just kept starring at the portal that was still open but slowly closing.

darling you just destroyed half of the castle with your little distraction

2mo ago

You may have cause more than a distraction honey😭barbatos is about to go on war against the rats

1y ago

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