Chapter six

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Chapter Six


I brushed out my damp hair and plaited it back into a single french braid. The ends nearly reached my waist. I needed to get it cut, maybe I'd go soon.

We had all sat talking until about eight last night which was when Lorenzo and Camilla had to leave. They both gave Kai and I their phone numbers and address. Camilla had also let me feel her daughter kick.

I'd never felt a baby kick before and I swear I nearly cried when I felt her little foot meet my hand. I was going to spoil that little girl; I can't believe she's my niece. I had always wanted kids of my own but it had never seemed like an option, not until now.

Matteo had come back at some point but went straight up to his room. Grey had gone up to get him but instead came back down with a bruised nose.

His exact words were: "That moody little shit shut the bloody door in my face."

I don't think I have ever laughed that loud before.

About an hour ago, those of us that were still in the house either migrated to our rooms or, in Dad's case, his office. I had a quick shower and decided to read for a bit before I attempted to go to sleep.

And failed miserably.

Don't get me wrong, the bed was lovely; that wasn't the problem. It was the fact that I'd probably have fitful sleep at best. I knew I was safe but my dreams didn't.

My brain was also reluctant to fall asleep with so much circling around in my head.

It got to about half eleven before I gave up, ripped the covers off my bed and made my way to Kai's room. The door was open slightly and there was light spilling out so I crept in.

Kai also had a double bed, his under the window. The whole room was painted a dark blue with pictures of planets dotted around. I had forgotten that he used to be obsessed with space. There was also a desk and a large wardrobe.

Kai was on his phone but looked up at me when I entered.
"Couldn't sleep?"
I nodded and he turned off his phone, placing it on the bedside table next to him.

I laid down on the bed and smiled when he pulled me into a side hug.

"Me neither." He whispered.

"It's quiet." I matched his volume.

"Dad is a surprise."


"After the little Mum told us," He laughed, "I was expecting the devil incarnate. He's the exact opposite of what she said and it's making me wonder, why?"

"Me too." I answered, "But there has to be a reason, right?"

He was quiet for a little while and I knew exactly what he was thinking about.

"About what I said earlier-"

"Can we just forget about it?" I asked, my voice thick. I was already upset about everything that had happened in the past twenty four hours. I just wanted a break. "We were both upset and stressed."

"That's isn't an excuse-"


"Fine." He sighed dramatically whilst he switched off the lamp; the room fell into darkness, "You know, I think I can see us living here forever."



I felt him turn so our backs were to each other.

"Wake me up if you wake up." He told me sleepily.

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