Jeon Jungkook loved kids.
And while he was a primary school teacher, which by default, loving kids was part of his job, he still found that he naturally loved them. Even when he came home sticky from unknown substances, he still loved kids. Even when he came home with a bag full of paintings, the hippest of contemporary artists wouldn't understand he still loved kids. And even on those days when he walked into his small apartment collapsing face first on his bed, sleeping the rest of the evening off in exhaustion, Jungkook was still proud to say he still loved kids.
Maybe it was their natural curiosity or their many, many questions. Whatever it was, Jungkook enjoyed his job, liked the environment he worked in and loved the kids that surrounded him nine hours a day. And he would never admit to having a favorite in his overflowing classroom.
Never out loud anyway.
The smaller boy wandered away from the group frequently, only to be found wrapped up in his grey, white cloud blanked. Well, he just might be a contender for Jungkook's favorite. No matter how many bright-colored shirts his appa dressed him in, the little guy would still manage to wrap up, zip-up, or cover-up in a black, sometimes dark grey hoodie until the release for the day. Then he would tear it off, shove it in his bag and walk out of the classroom in bright pastels, neon greens, and sunshine yellows. He was blending in with the rest of the children.
The child was adorable, and there were many days that Jungkook found he wanted to disappear from the group and wrap up into a cloud blanket with him. Today was that day. The kids were highly extra, particularly Kim Seokjin, his boss' little demon child who looked like an angel. Jin was usually the sweetest child, but on days like this, he was just extra. Extra loud, extra with his laughter, and extra with his awful dad jokes made Jungkook wonder where he got them.
Thankfully the day had ended, and Jin had gone to tell his appas his latest pun that he had repeated at least ten times to his bestest friend Tata who laughed every time. Jungkook assumed that was why Kim Taehyung was his bestest friend. But, that left him alone in blessed silence to help the remaining children find their parents in peace. Jungkook counted off each child as they raced off to hug their eommas and appas. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw little pouty Yoongi unzipping his black hoodie to reveal a bright yellow tee-shirt that said I egg brunch with an actual egg on it. It took a lot of willpower for Jungkook not to snicker at the shirt or the poor boy wearing it.
The shirt was the complete opposite of the little guy's personality. Yet, he seemed to have no problem wearing it after school or to school. Jungkook had to admit he was very curious about the parent who could convince the usually shy Yoongi to wear something so bright without any complaints. He smiled as he walked over to the little guy who was grumbling while trying to shove the hoodie into his big bag. The sleeves spilling out, bending down, Jungkook reached out slowly, looking at Yoongi's face to see if his help would be unwelcomed. Before touching the jacket, he asked, "would you like some help?"
Yoongi's little head nodded up and down once while a pout formed on his pouting lips. "Okay." reaching out, Jungkook picked up the long sleeves and gently pushed them in the bags. Then waited until Yoongi zipped the bag closed. Holding out his hands, he held the bag until Yoongi turned around, and he was able to put it on his back. Smiling, he turned the little guy around before biting the inside of his cheek when he saw how big the bag looked on his tiny frame. "Is your eomma or appa on their way?"
He watched as Yoongi looked around and nibbled on his bottom lip, "Appa is usually here by now." Jungkook frowned as he watched him scan the crowd.
"Hey Yoongi, don't worry, I am sure he is on his way. Would you like me to wait with you until he arrives?" Another small nod. Settling in Jungkook started playing games with Yoongi. It began with I spy that turned into telling stories about the different people walking by. Each person that walked by would switch between Yoongi or Jungkook. They started simple enough at first, "oh, he's a dad on his way to an office job and running late." But then they turned outlandish, "he is an alien sugar glider that spies on humans. And, and has a human form, but he's from an alien planet."

Jeon Jungkook has a crush
FanfictionJeon Jungkook loves kids. Yes, it is part of his job, but he enjoys being around young minds and watching how they think and learn. And though he would swear he doesn't have favorites. Jung Yoongi just might have a chance at being his favorite. Espe...